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“She’s on a romantic walk right now, but due to both of their mental states, they don’t stray too far or for too long. They’ll be back soon. Would you like to meet them?”

I nodded, wanting to know more good people, wanting those kinds of people to outweigh the bad ones.

“Declan is here if you’d like to meet him. He’s probably the friendliest out of the boys.”

“Even Remi?”

“Yes, definitely.” Kate laughed. “Remi certainly has his grumpy moods.”

“I don’t remember.”

“He explained the memory issue. Hopefully, all that will come back in time. Did Rodregez run tests?”

“Yes. He believes it was caused by head trauma. He couldn’t say for sure if it would come back or not.”

“Well, I hope it does. You deserve your memories.”

“Maybe it’s a blessing. I’ve been Rothbart’s—he was my master. I was his property for many years, apparently. The other girls told me I should have settled and learned to behave by now.”

“There’s nothing wrong with keeping your fight, sweetie. It helped you survive.” Kate smiled, and this one was definitely more genuine. It was beautiful.

“Let’s go and introduce you to Declan, and if you like the look of that damn movie, that will give me time to handle Ollie’s request and check on Penelope.”

“Penelope?” A piece of my broken heart slotted into place, and it gave me the energy to bolt.

Remi’s door knob slipped from my hands, and it took me longer than a second to get through it. A second, I didn’t want to waste.

Kate’s voice followed me down the hallway as I barreled into a room that I assumed would be Ollie’s. It was black and white, like his fancy suit, but boring and emotionless, like he pretended to be on the surface. Remi had said enough to make me know differently.

I left the room, moving to the one opposite, clearly belonging to Woodrow and his girlfriend, as there were equally as many girly things scattered around as there was man crap.

I switched direction again, ignoring Kate as she continued to talk.

My hand wrapped around another brass knob, and just as I was about to rush inside, someone called out.

“Hey, what’s going on?” asked a male voice—one I didn’t recognize.

“Declan?” I questioned. He didn’t look like a Declan. He looked like a Chad or Brandon—someone who would have been popular in high school with his floppy blond hair and those bright blue eyes staring into my soul.

“Yes,” he smiled. “If I knew a girl who looked like you would be breaking into my room, I wouldn’t have been hanging in the living room.”

“Declan!” Kate verbally reprimanded him.

“I’m sorry.” He held up his hands in defense, but his playfulness stayed present in the smile on his face.

“I’m looking for Penelope,” I butted in.

“Our guest.” Declan lowered his hands, one finger pointing to the correct door. “The one opposite. Maybe knock first. She’s very nervous. Nothing like you, running around with hardly any clothes on.” He laughed.

“Declan, please don’t perv on the victims.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Confusion crawled onto his handsome boy face. “Wait! Are you a victim? I thought you were Remi’s friend.”

The word friend sounded appalling to me, but I wasn’t sure why. Maybe the promises of a better future with Remi and my safety had sunk deeply into my soul last night.

“I’m not a victim.” I reached for Penelope’s door. “I’m a survivor.”

Chapter 15
