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“Such timing.”

I agreed, my head bobbing. Of all the rotten fucking luck.

We rushed to the house, jumping up the steps to the porch. My fingers wrapped around the doorknob and twisted it to let us inside.

Of course, the first floorboard creaked loudly, letting anyone with decent ears know we were here.

And, of course, I didn’t fucking hear it because I didn’t have decent ears. I knew nothing about it until Ollie gripped my shoulder and pointed to the floor.

I pointed, too, my finger moving to the office. He was better at computer stuff. More patient. With Ollie, there was less chance of the monitor and everything surrounding it hitting the wall if access was denied.

I lost him in that room, amongst the clutter that my pessimistic brain convinced me wasn’t as bad as yesterday. I moved for the long corridor, choosing this way because I couldn’t remember any dodgy floorboards that would give me away.

I stepped out into the kitchen. The windows were still covered in that white shit that blocked out the world. The little girl was still in her cage, her lips a little bluer than yesterday. Her skin looked so cold it ran a chill through my body.

I needed the keys to get her out. She wouldn’t be staying here.

I found the keys still in the lock on Cat’s cage. The smaller keys wouldn’t work on such a hefty lock, but a big brass one let me in, and I pulled the tiny child out onto my lap.

Discomfort set through me, and I lost my second hoodie to a girl in this house. It took longer than I appreciated to get her stiff limbs into the sleeves, and when I did, I allowed myself a second to focus on her little face and not the blood dried against the inside of her thighs.

My fingers weaved through her messy bob haircut, finding multiple bald patches. Her hair was wrapped around her fingers. She faced her death with such stress, sadness, and pain she had started harming herself to help cope with it all.

I pressed her tiny cheek against my chest and stood with her in my arms. I didn’t think before I lifted her the way one would traditionally lift a child, and the blood from between her legs proved to be not as dry as I’d thought, and it sank through my T-shirt. The red-on-white stain stood out on the material as I shifted her into a princess hold.

I stepped over the cunt in plaid, admiring the hole in his stomach that was so big he was practically cut in half. And he fucking would have been if the hag hadn’t jumped on my back, catching me in a vicious surprise and ramming one of those little blades into my stomach.

I kicked that specific blade, and its little green handle whirled.

I exited the room with the little one, taking a corridor that led me back to the foyer.

The MP3 player was off today, sitting silently on its dock, when I stepped into the living room to lay the child on the giant couch that almost swallowed her tiny body when the cushions dipped.

A single step took me away from her, resting in the silence.

Except, it wasn’t silent. I was just deaf to the threat approaching.

A weight launched onto my back, and something like a vase smashed against the side of my head, the china shards splintering into my eye.

The child in front of me became a blur, as did everything else in the dark room.

Small fists pelted my face, hitting the biggest shard, which was still burrowing out of my bruised skin, in deeper.

“Ah, fuck!” I screamed out. “Get the fuck off of me!”

My fingers wrapped around black hair, and I yanked so hard that the person attacking me hit the wall.

I pulled a loaded gun from my pants, where it had been hiding since leaving the house, grateful they hadn’t found it, and I aimed and shot without even thinking about it.

And there she was, slumped in the corner of the room, her hands on her bleeding stomach and her white face looking gray, waiting for her life to end.

Except, it wasn’t the hag.

It was the last remaining slave.

“Why?” I questioned, and why the fuck had Ollie not come charging in here.

I took a quick glance around. “Ollie?” I pointlessly shouted because I wouldn’t hear a reply.
