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“Your parents will forgive you, but we have a group home where you can stay with others who have suffered a similar experience until we contact them. There, you’ll get any medical attention you need. You don’t have to worry about anything. All we ask is you keep this one’s identity a secret?”

Ollie’s head bobbed to me, and Clara followed his gaze.

“I thought you were a singer. I used to listen to you when I was little. My dad would play you in the car when my mom wasn’t around.” She laughed. “She didn’t approve of the swear words in some songs. Aribel—Cat? She hums your song.”

“I know.”

I looked to the ground, away from the million questions Ollie asked in the silence.

I didn’t even hear Clara make her second promise. “I’ll keep your secret.”

“Thank you,” Ollie replied on my behalf.

His arm snaked behind her, and the other dropped below her legs. He carried her in a princess hold to the van and placed her in the seat between the ones that were still warm from our asses. He adjusted his jacket when it fell from her lap, neither of them feeling embarrassed about her nakedness, both of them already so familiar with that kind of thing. He helped her place her arms through the sleeves and told her to sit tight.

Both of us probably had suspicions she’d steal the van and try to make a second getaway attempt, but with her lack of driving skills, if there were any sense that hadn’t been knocked from her head yet, she’d stay put.

I wandered through the trees, recognizing the giant pine tree where Cat had hummed my song. Her voice guided me to what I was looking for, but I was so lost in thoughts of her that I didn’t realize I’d found it until a chunk of brain squelched beneath my boot.

How fucking disgusting.

I scrubbed my rubber sole against the dry grass, removing the percentage of Joseph’s filthy DNA from the tread of my boots.

Joseph lay up ahead. The rest of his brain had become a feast for worms and various bugs.

Ollie stepped up behind me. “I’m fucking glad I didn’t bring my car. You could have warned me.”

“You knew there’d be bodies.”

“Yeah…but I didn’t know they’d be in pieces. I’m assuming that’s the tip of his cock near your foot.”

Well, I’ll be damned.

“Just shows you’re unfamiliar with my work, old boy.” I tapped him on the shoulder, encouraging him to follow my lead. “I don’t do anything in halves. But that isn’t his cock. I think it’s part of his nose.”

I kicked Joseph just because I felt like it. Right in the bleeding dick that was hanging off but still attached to his disgusting body.

“I’ll take the head if you’d prefer not to get up close and personal with my handy work.”

My fingers curled around his shirt, which was blue and boring except for the red stains. Not plaid, like the ugly fucking thing that his brother wore.

“Actually, we’ll get him on the way back. I don’t want Clara to have to sit in the same van and smell this rancid fucker.”

“Fair point.” I dropped the rancid fucker to the floor, leading Ollie to the house.

“God. What does Rothbart do for money?” He eyed me, taking in the villa.

“He sells organs,” I said with all the confidence in the world.

“From the girls?”

“And whoever else, I’d imagine. I walked in yesterday on the hag gutting some kid.”

“Nice. The hag is Rothbart’s wife?”

“Yeah, I assume so. We’ll have to get that body from the basement. There should be another in the kitchen, also dead, plus whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is, and there’s also a woman who, hopefully, is still alive.”

“Let’s hope she is.” Ollie moved forward, keeping watch for the dogs I’d told him about on the way here. “What’s the best way in?”
