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“I will. I promise.”

Her smile lit up the room and the parts of my life that were still cast in shadows. Suddenly, things didn’t seem so bad.

The heavy cloud of depression disbursed, leaving me lighter.

Two of my fingers rubbed her neck, hunting the tracker.

“Just in case anyone barges in tomorrow, don’t be afraid. I live with my brothers. There are three of them. One has a fiancée who also lives here. And currently, we have a house guest.”

She raised a thumb, still trying to communicate with me.

Found it.

I snapped on a pair of gloves and took an alcohol wipe from its packet, cleaning the area of any invisible germs. The next step was numbing it with freezing spray. I shook the can before spraying her skin.

“That’s cold!” She winced, and I saw that, but my struggling ears couldn’t make out her words.

Her anxiety picked up, and I could only tell because that little panda head was in her hand and being throttled by her squeezing fist.

“You’re doing good,” I told her before a small scalpel dragged across her skin. “Such a good girl.”


My neck was a little sore, and the injury site was burning.

“Don’t touch it. You don’t want to get an infection.”

Remi interfered with my hand, prodding the tiny bandage that blocked me from the injury.

I tucked my hands beneath the blanket and shimmied down the sofa, which had been turned into a bed, resting my head on the softest pillow in the world.

Remi sat opposite on the desk chair, his long legs swinging it from side to side, making me feel giddy. He hadn’t moved since insisting he had to do something for work, which was done after a few minutes of tapping on a light-up keyboard.

“Are you getting in?” I lifted the blanket as an invitation.

“I told you already, you can take it.”

“It’s a big bed.” I pushed myself back, making more room. “And, you’ll be able to see my mouth easier. We could talk for a while before we fall asleep.”

Please, I need to talk.

It was almost two a.m., the witching hour, when all the dark shadows crept out into the world and from my mind.

The guilt monster was intent on torturing me.

Remi pushed himself from the chair, and it slowly stopped as my eyes dwelled on it before they wandered around the room to search for him. He stood in the center, unbuttoning his pants, and I gulped loudly over the worry that I might have to please him, but he didn’t hear my fear.

I bit my lip, praying I wouldn’t have to. I’d already felt him. Hard and aching against me in the woods. He was big, and I was already bruised internally.

My heart rate picked up, only calming when he disappeared back into his closet, leaving the door open wide behind him so I could watch as he pulled out a clean pair of sweats and stepped inside them.

He didn’t bother with a T-shirt, and the dirty one was already off, and all the tragic little bears were on display. Each one sat on golden skin and muscle. Remi would be a dream for so many women. The man they wouldn’t get over, couldn’t forget, and yet, here he was, hidden from the world and getting into bed with me, the woman who couldn’t remember him.

My fingers coasted over another stuffed animal—its leg, covered by the bandage that hid Remi’s wound.

“I think that bear will be getting stitches inked across his leg. I’m not overly enthusiastic about how Rodregez stitched him.” He settled beside me, propping his head with his arm below it.

“I think he did well, considering the size of the hole. You’re very lucky.”
