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Her back straightened, each sense alert as she glanced back at me.

“Do you not like that? I don’t want to trigger you.”

“It sounds different when you say it. Rothbart would say it to the other girls, but it always sounded hateful.”

“He never said it to you?”

“He said other things to me, but I don’t want to repeat them if I don’t have to.”

I spun her back to me and dropped back to my knees.

“I already told you that you never have to do anything you don’t want to do again. I’ll be here, fuming and ready to enact revenge whenever you’re ready to tell me more.”

Pretty eyes searched my face, stalling. Was it my scar? Was it dragging her memories from the dust? Her gaze moved to my golden stare, focusing on my dripping pupil. She blinked me in.

“You have pretty eyes.”

“Almost as unusual as yours.” I winked my pretty eye.

She blushed.

“It’s actually a flaw,” I continued. “Doctors believe it may have been caused by my mother drinking heavily and taking fuck knows what during pregnancy. It was made worse around eight years ago through trauma to the eye.”

“It doesn’t look like a flaw. Can you see through it?”

“Yeah, relatively well, actually. Which is good because I figure it would be hard to be deaf and blind.”

“I’m sorry the doctor didn’t have time to fix your hearing aid.”

Rodregez hadn’t had the time to look at my ears yet, but that wasn’t on Cat. He intended to do an exam after stitching me up, but after a quick call to Ollie, another call came in, and as a result, he was called away to The Clinic to address an incident there.

A new girl had gone wild and tried her luck at slashing the throat of the men who dragged her in.

It didn’t play out as planned.

From what Rodregez told me on the way out, she’d been shot in the head, and pieces of her skull were still plastered to the walls like a grim decal. She had no idea how disposable she was. She did, however, manage to slash one guy’s face and another from ear to shoulder, which was why Rodregez had to run off. Ollie, too.

Cat and I left shortly after he did. I wanted her nowhere near his place if he was to return with scum.

And because of that, my left ear still rang a torturous bell, and my right ear did nothing.

“Right, enough wasting time. We really have to do something, it will hurt slightly, but it’s important.”

“What is it?”

Her eyes followed as I moved back to my closet, returning with the box of supplies I needed to remove her tracker.

“You have a tracker. I suspect it’s in your neck. They usually are. I’m gonna numb the area and remove it. I should have told Rodregez, but my mind was literally reeling back at his place.”

Her expression turned solemn again, but she didn’t ask the questions burning in her mind.

I tried to offer a little serenity, knowing she was wondering why I had disappeared and who I had gone to see.

“Nothing will interfere with us.”

Her head bobbed just once, understanding.

“Okay. Find the tracker. I’ll trust you because of the body mod stuff.”
