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“I don’t care. I have to see her. And I will be seeing her as soon as I get there.”

“They won’t allow it!”

“They won’t stop me.” Remi left my sight, and all I had left of him was the sound of his footsteps walking away.

Rodregez followed him out, close enough to be his shadow. “One day, your high and mighty attitude is gonna get you in trouble.”

“Maybe. But that day isn’t today, nor is it something you have to worry about. You have a job to do. Do not leave Cat out of your sight, and get her exam done before I come back. Then, we’ll talk about stitches.”

The doctor dropped back, knowing he couldn’t keep him here. I could still hear the conversation, but now, walking away, Remi couldn’t.

“You and your brother are the bane of my life, boy.” The doctor called him boy again, which seemed odd to me, as there probably wasn’t more than seven or eight years between them.

“Can’t hear you!” Remi shouted back.

Back in the room, the doctor shook his head and sighed heavily. His eyes were magnified by bifocals that he pulled from that giant pocket and pushed up his nose as he stepped closer.

“He’ll be back.”

“You don’t sound so sure.” I squeezed my panda’s head through the anxiety. “I know it looked bad.”

“It does, but things, sometimes, look worse than they are. He’s been in worse states. But I do worry.”

“He was eager to get away.” My heavy thoughts dragged my shoulders down. “Who is she? I didn’t notice a wedding ring?” Though, I hadn’t looked.

“He isn’t married. I don’t know who the other person is or anything about their situation, but it isn’t one that’s legally bound.”

“So, he rushed out of here because he wanted to, not because he had to.”

“Don’t you be worrying about that. Let’s take care of you first. We’ll start with this…” The doctor held up a stethoscope. “And we’ll move to an ECG, as that will give us a little more insight on whether anything sinister has happened with your heart today.”

He didn’t need any of that because I could tell him that my heart cracked today, over the girl whose heart I’d stopped and over the man who just walked out the door.

And I didn’t even know why.

Chapter 9


I’d been longer than I thought I’d be. The drive wasn’t too far, not long enough to do what I needed as I took my cock in my hand, using my blood as lube, and tried to release the tension in my body.

It was something most people wouldn’t understand.

But it was the easiest way for me to calm my nerves.

And I couldn’t continue to hide my erection. It was driving me fucking insane. And if I didn’t do something about it now, while I was on my own, I wouldn’t trust myself not to force my way inside Cat later despite the pain and bruises.

I’d picked up a disease through sex—one that infected my mind, not my body, and it made me feel like people’s feelings didn’t matter when it came to sex. I developed it over time through the unwanted penetration that men had forced on me. It was their fault I ended up the way I did. Their fault I’d been nursing a fucking semi since finding those girls in the cages.

Visions of Joseph with Cat filled my head, making me sick and making me jealous that he got to touch her. Another problem of mine, jealousy made my cock thicken.

The smell lingering in my nose didn’t help—the unwanted sex, so strong and clinging to my shirt where her pussy had pressed to me. Ignoring that was impossible.

I was so fucking hard.

And I hated it.

I hated him touching her because she was fucking mine, and his hands should never have been on her.
