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“Good. Because you need stitches.”

“We’re not here for me. I want him to check you over.” Remi put the car in park as we slowed to a stop.

“I don’t want a man touching me.”

“Tough.” His reply left no room for debate. “This is the only man I will trust to touch you. The only man I won’t feel the need to break the bones of for putting his hands on you. He is a professional.”

“I feel okay,” I objected.

Remi’s eyes watched every word leave my mouth.

“I am a little sore, but this happens every time. The boys are just too big for me. Everything will heal on its own.”

Heated fury flurried down Remi’s nose. He didn’t say anything else, ending the conversation in the middle of my protest when he jumped from the vehicle.

Waltzing around the truck, he appeared at my door. He bent, his body declining over mine to push the button and eject the seat belt he’d insisted I wear. After experiencing his driving, I understood why.

“Don’t fight me, Cat.”

My head dropped. “I won’t. I know you have my best interests at heart.”

His hands wrapped around me, pulling my legs around his waist and my bleeding crotch against his stomach.

I feared for his pain—the gaping hole in his stomach that still leaked blood, but he didn’t seem bothered by it as he kicked the door closed with a filthy sneaker.

His gentle fingers were on me again, smoothing through my hair and rubbing between my shoulders.

My heart, racing beneath his touch, calmed against the embrace.

My fingers wrapped around his T-shirt, causing it to wrinkle as I pulled it into a fist.

Remi’s knuckles patted the door, but he didn’t wait for an answer, stepping inside and traipsing dirty footprints through a space that looked more like a hospital than it did a home.


Bright lights shone down on us as he marched us farther, both glancing into different rooms. “Rodregez!”

“Remington!” A voice came from a room down the hall. “Where have you been? The boys have been calling you for hours.”

“It’s fine, Doc. I’m a grown-ass man; am I not allowed out alone for a few hours?”

Rodregez stared at me with narrowed brown eyes, his gaze flicking to Remi and questioning him further.

“Given that you’re a hermit and the only place you go is Beyond Heaven and work, and you haven’t returned to either since yesterday’s antics, they were worried. You should have called them.”

“I left my phone in my truck. It’s outside the house.”

“And whose truck is in my driveway?”

“I borrowed that one. Anyway,” Remi’s legs moved again. “Which room? She needs to be checked over.”

“The first on the left there is fine.”

I was the only one to see the doctor pointing to the correct door. He rushed behind us on shorter legs, closing the door behind us for some reason other than privacy, as this entire wing sounded empty of life.

His dungarees didn’t scream typical doctor’s uniform, nor did the designer sneakers on his feet they were tucked into.

“Just set her on the bed. What am I checking for?”
