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“I have tried. I have. He won’t let you go.” I collapsed back, her pillows feeling too comfortable. “I need to unwind. Can I use you?”

She lay at my side, her hair fuzzing as she nodded.

I turned to her. “I’ll show you how much I want you. I wonder if you’ll do the same.”

My fingers trailed up her leg, slipping to the inside of her thigh. Her naked pussy was already shaven at my request. Something Cedric constantly moaned about. The old fuck was stuck in the 70’s.

I rubbed once, twice, over the little nub that made her tingle. And then I pushed inside, feeling her warmth, her walls tightening around me and pulling me in.

I pumped, my finger pulling out to push back in with two. Two that curled against her g-spot and had her writhing.


“I fucking love—regardless of what you believe—you. You are the only thing I’ve ever loved more than music. More than anything,” I whispered into her ear. “This situation is shitty for me, too. I fucking hate it.”

Her nose bumped mine, encouraging my head to turn, and she gently kissed my lips.

It wasn’t enough.

I wanted my tongue invading her mouth, her cum on my fingers, and my name falling from her lips when it became too much.

I curled my fingers again, hooking her and forcing her hips to buck to meet me.

She moaned, her mouth opening. My tongue took advantage, forcing its way inside.

I became rock-hard.

I became rock-hard.

“I don’t want to die here. They’ve stolen so much from me. They can’t keep my soul.”

Cat’s lips moving silently dragged me back to reality. Her body, wedged close to mine, taunted the erection that demanded her attention.

I gritted my teeth and mouthed, “I promise they won’t. I promise you’ll always be safe with me. History will not repeat itself. You leave here today.” I weaved my fingers through hers, and she closed her hand around them. “I’ll protect you. Always.”

Starting now.

Slowly, I led her around the tree. We moved right while the hag moved left.

I guided Cat to the safety of another tree, concealing her with my body.

“You know, the last time I chased you through the woods, things got naughty.”

Cat didn’t respond, focusing more on the panda head than me.

“It’ll be different this time.” I forced myself to ignore the throbbing in my cock that plagued me over more old memories that should not fucking arouse me.

Her eyes lifted, focusing on the way my lips moved.

“You’re gonna run, and I’m gonna make sure you get the fuck away.”


A gentle finger silenced her.

“No buts, and don’t worry about the loser, who is apparently guarding the driveaway. I’ll catch up to you before you get there.”

My fingers dropped to her chin, angling it up to my eyes. I tested her strength, and mine, by bending to place the softest kiss on her head, and it was a test I fucking failed because it made me crave more.
