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“About that. You want some more good news?”

“I don’t think anything will top Cat breathing on her own, but it’s been a real shit week. Give it to me.”

“Pencil Dick is dead.”

“What?” I almost fucking choked. “How?”

Some of the European guys wanted his input on an auction in Belgium. When he was avoiding their calls, they showed up at his place in Ibiza, and it had been burned to the ground. Police said bodies were found but wouldn’t say who. I got an email this morning asking if a hit should be put on Charles Rafael, explaining he’d be an easy target right now, as he’s currently unconscious following a series of seizures.”

“What did you say?”

“I told them not to start a war. That his issue was with his family, and that he isn’t a threat to us. I told them he has allies, and it would only result in trouble.”

“Did you tell them that ally is you?”

“Of course not. I haven’t even told him yet.”

“You’re a devious bastard.”

“I’m a lucky bastard. Lucky Pencil Dick is gone and no one knows we crossed him.”

“Yeah. Fuck, you are.”

“Anyway, I’ll catch up with you later. I’m glad she’s responding well.”

Smiling, I looked back to Cat. The gentle click of the door didn’t hinder me as I watched her eyes move beneath her eyelids. She was dreaming.

“I hope it’s a good one, my girl.”

Chapter 73

(Warning, the first half of this chapter is very dark.)


The girls were in cages, some crying, one voice begging Rothbart not to do something. My vision of them was blurred, my ears ringing from some kind of drug. Forcing myself up from a cold steel table in an unfamiliar room, something in my lower stomach pulled.


“Bitches get stitches.” Candee laughed, taunting the other girls as she hit their cages with the broom handle that had violated most of us.

I fingered my stomach, both hands avoiding a new injury. Closing my mouth, I swallowed down a rush of vomit.

The baby was gone.

Ignoring all my ill feelings, physical and mental, I spun around to try and find the baby in the dark room. Crying still echoed in my ears. My stomach pulled again.

Callie’s young, wet eyes were on me, but as I blinked, clearing my vision, I saw her mouth wasn’t moving.

Confusion from the drugs slipped away, letting me see all the other girls as they stared at Rothbart whenever they weren’t backing away from his deranged wife and the broom.

“My Rothbart was never attracted to pregnant women. If you weren’t the Decoy’s slut that little thing would have cost you your life.”

The crying mellowed, hushing as I struggled with Candee’s squeaky tone. My eyes followed her long, bony finger, pointing to Rothbart on the right side of the steel table.

“Don’t look, Aribella,” I could have sworn I heard one girl whisper, then I heard the crying again, and my eyes dropped to the floor. Rothbart’s heavy boot slammed down on the baby.

“No!” I screamed until my voice broke, and I became silent, falling from the table to try and stop what was already done.
