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If I can give her a chance to live, I want to. I love her. I even love you now, and if I can give you guys a chance at happiness, I want to do that, too.

I’m trusting you.

I’m doing my part. Please, don’t be afraid to do yours.

Together, we might be able to save her.

If we do, you get to keep your wife and give her the biggest kiss from me and the best hug. If we fail, I’ll be waiting on the other side for my baby sister and, no doubt, you.

Thank you for being my friend, brother (in-law.)

Love, Rhylie.

Chapter 72


The clock would strike midnight any second. The giant face stared down at me from across the room as it hung on a pastel-colored wall.

“Novaletti has been a long fucking time. Do you think something has gone wrong?” I asked anyone who would answer.

No one answered, careful to avoid another of my breakdowns.

We sat in that same room as before, and like before, I paced and drank too much coffee. I needed something to drown the guilt I felt for having Rhylie’s machine switched off, and her heart cut out.

“He started at six,” I added, wiping my lips, which still tasted like coffee.

“He also said it wasn’t quick work, and he’d do everything to save her.”

Dec, always the fucking optimist.

“I’m worried.” I swallowed down the vomit that was rising in my throat. “There could have been complications.”

Again, no one said a word.

I slumped back against the wall, my height decreasing as I slid to the floor. “Even if it works and her body doesn’t reject it, she might have to go through this again. The average life expectancy in the US is less than ten years.”

“If that’s the case, we’ll do whatever we can to save her. Stop worrying about things that haven’t happened yet.”

“We couldn’t find a match now, Ollie, and in ten years, I’d like to think we’ll be well out of this nightmare.”

“Well, we’ll be out of the sale side. We’ll still have contacts. We have to keep our toes in the water for those who’ll end up in this place. We’ll do what we can.”

“Yeah.” I took a breath—a painful one. “And if all that fails, then our lives were just meant to be shorter than other people’s...and that’s okay. As long as we’re together.”

The scent of blood entered the room with Novaletti, who looked alien in his surgical wear.

“How is she?” all of us in the room asked at once as I scurried up from the floor.

“So far, so good.” He had a smile for me.

My eyes rolled closed, and I took the first easy breath in days.

“Can I see her?”

“In a few hours.”

“But the surgery was a success?” Ollie asked.
