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Fists flew at the steering wheel as I lost myself to fury.

A hand stopped me as my next hit aimed at the glass.


Blinded by rage, I hadn’t even seen her get in the car.

Stalling, my fist shaking in midair, I asked, “What can I do for her?”

“I don’t know.” A lonely tear rolled from her eye as she lowered my hand into my lap. “I wish I knew.”

“I wish you knew, too.” I looked ahead, dropping my head back against the headrest. “I wish anyone knew.”

Jolie opened the glovebox, searching for a tissue to aid my runny nose.

Failing to find anything, I snorted, trying to prevent snot from making it into my mouth.

A feeling hit me harder than any punch.

I could numb myself. It could help.

“You wanna take a drive with me? I need to go home and get some things.”

“Sure. I don’t want you driving alone.” She buckled her seatbelt before her hands moved over to me, insisting I do the same.

I stalled. “You don’t think they’ll turn off the machines while we’re gone, right?”

“You’d have to be present. You’re her husband.”

“Good.” I started the car and headed for home, needing something to numb the pain.

Chapter 70


“Iwant to see her. I’m not asking permission.” I met Novaletti at Cat’s door upon returning to Beyond Heaven.

His lips pressed into a thin line, taking in me and my bloodshot eyes. Sadness was all it was—no drugs like his glare suspected.

I hadn’t been able to numb myself yet. I’d procrastinated in my room, the conversation with Rothbart about Candee giving me drugs replaying in my mind as I picked up the bag. Hearing myself tell Cat that I didn’t take them. I wedged the bag of coke into my pocket when Jolie entered, following a gentle tap on my door. We left shortly after changing clothes and ramming some into a rucksack for everyone else. Ollie and Woodrow had been at Beyond Heaven since early yesterday, and Dec had been running around with me. They’d appreciate some freshening up. I didn’t. I couldn’t smell Cat on this T-shirt, and it bothered my nose the whole way here.

Novaletti stepped aside, letting me and my shadow—Jolie, step into Cat’s room.

“Do you want me to leave?” she asked as I eyed her presence.

“You’re fine.” I couldn’t say why I said that when I wanted privacy.

I decided against going back on my word, and my stare followed her to a wingback chair in the distance.

Slow steps took me to Cat. Two knuckles brushed along the contours of her face, from her temple to her cold cheek. The blood had been washed away. She was wired up to so many machines.

Taking her hand in mine, I kissed her knuckles, keeping her cold skin to my lips as I managed a few words, “I’m gonna fix this. Fix you. I don’t know how, but I swear I will. I won’t lose you. I can never lose you.”

Her eyes were closed, her limbs heavy and limp. It was too much for me. I couldn’t stay.

I couldn’t fucking see her like that.

