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Alerion mumbled something else, and even I didn’t hear it while sitting at his side.

“I don’t know what you’re saying. I can’t fucking hear you!” Remington shouted, his southern accent stronger as he pointed to his hearing aid. “I think I’ve broken this.”

He continued moving around, searching for this invisible woman, not stopping until he crossed the path of his agent.

“She isn’t here, Dan, is she?” Disappointment sat heavily on his face.

“I’m sorry, Remi. You blew your last chance.”

“Fuck you, traitor. And fuck this shit.”

Remington moved from one room to another, trying to remember where the doors were so he could get out of this building. Everyone followed Alerion first, me last.

The fresh air hit me like a hammer to the head. What the fuck am I doing? I thought to myself, kicking away the concealed bottle on the ground—the probable reason for Remington’s drunken behavior.

We were here to end this. To end his life. And as miserable as it looked, it shouldn’t be cut short.

The guy was twenty-fucking-four. He had time to turn everything around.

His heavy boots flattened the grass he stood on as he came to a standstill. The moon above called him to admire it, and he started mumbling some shit about getting the big glowing ball tattooed on his body—that was when he took the first hit.

A punch to the head that made him sick.

Swallowing hard, I felt bile claw up my own throat.

His body didn’t go down, the vomit dripping from his stubble onto his white tee.

He turned to face the man who hit him, a minion dressed in black who blended in too well with the night. Another fist flew at him from behind, hitting that bruised part of his skull. Another caught his jaw. Then heavy knuckles adorned with a dozen rings hit his temple.

The next punch split his eye open.

Badeaux and Rubbichon watched from the bottom of the hotel steps. My shadow stood over them as I stood at the top, near the door, where I had the perfect view of shit I didn’t want to see.

Of Remington falling to the ground, following a thump to the cock. Of his perfect nose breaking on impact with a shiny shoe, and the piercing in his lip ripping out, the hoop falling to the dirt.

The crunch of his nose echoed beyond the tiny twigs getting crunched in the distance as many feet moved over tree-shadowed grass.

Badeaux lit a cigarette, puffing away. The smog around him distorted my view, and I happily breathed it in, not wanting to see what came next.

I turned my attention to the vacant hotel as it stared down at the scene ahead, casting judgment with its sad-looking appearance.

I kept my back straight and my head held high, but my soul was shattering.

“Give me that,” Alerion snatched the cigarette from Badeaux’s mouth and moved across the grounds on widespread legs that ate up the distance quickly. Despite being the reason for his scars, he proved fire didn’t bother him as he took a deep drag, making the little orange end look angry.

I dropped down the steps, standing where he had, at Badeaux’s side. His smile was big, gold fangs glistening in the moonlight.

That cigarette burned the back of Remington’s neck, but he didn’t scream out. He laughed, loud like thunder.

“I know what that is.” He laughed again. “You won’t win, Alerion. Don’t use such pathetic tactics.”

The man on his knees didn’t seem as intoxicated now. Maybe it had been beaten out of him, or maybe, in some way, that vomiting had helped. I took another step, leading Badeaux to the action as he followed.

A vicious kick flew out, landing in the ball sack of Remington’s agent. Pleased with the bullseye hit, Remington laughed again, sounding a tiny bit more psychotic.

He jumped to his feet, still wobbling as he spun around, delivering punches to faces he couldn’t even see. Alerion had stepped back, heading to the van we’d traveled here in.

Shiny black doors opened, and he collected what he needed before returning.
