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“I didn’t mean to startle you, Kitty.” He’d been calling me that for days, and I hated the hint of excitement that laced the nickname. “Would you like to sleep with me tonight? Wouldn’t want you to be scared.”

Asking him about ghosts and entities—and whether or not his house was haunted—earlier today, had backfired.

He stood in a pair of moldy green shorts, the same shade as the vomit I was sure would leave my mouth if he touched me while he waited for my answer.

“I...” I pondered over an excuse because saying, absolutely fucking not, wouldn’t cut it.

He stepped inside, the smell of cheap wine entering with him. He closed the door and turned out the light. His presence pushed me closer to the window, my eyes searching for stars. I wished for a miracle on all of them.

My breath fogged the glass panes, my finger spelling out my desperation as it moved through the thick condensation.

I hid the word help—a gentle plea to the world outside—to no one, because even the shadow had disappeared—by pulling the drapes closed so Cedric wouldn’t see it.


She’d asked for help.

I’d ignored her last time.

Maybe it was the alcohol I drank tonight, mixed with too many drugs.

But it would be different this time.

I wandered over dusty floors, my boots leaving prints resembling the smaller ones already dotted all over.

They moved in my vision, walking around on their own.

I laughed, not caring about the noise.

The depressive kitchen cabinets and their dated grooves frowned at me for trespassing as I pulled at each drawer, searching for a pen and paper as I forgot what was funny.

The house didn’t grant me my wish, and I’d given up looking and decided to try something else before Cedric appeared in the kitchen and stressed about the mess I’d made. Everything I’d stumbled on was now on the floor. Each cupboard and drawer were open.

I slipped out the back door after leaving my message scraped into his wall, courtesy of one of his hunting blades, which was still stabbed into the pinup who mocked me as I wrote.

Picking up the alcohol bottle I’d left at the door, I took a swig of spicy fumes and nothing more. Empty.

“Who’s there?” Cedric morphed into something else—a monster—small and weak but still a monster. I laughed, fogging the window’s glass as I watched from outside.

The light flickered, darkness swallowing him for some time—who the fuck knew how much of it—until the lights flickered back on.

He darted around the room, furry legs shaking as he ducked under the table, using his long nose to sniff me out. The closet was next to be investigated, the room a paradise for dust particles, dancing like they were at some wild party when the lights hit them.

Spinning around, the vomit-colored creature, a comical sight indeed, screamed, “Where are you!”

The room blackened again, and he twisted around with fear on his ugly face.

Flickering again, light filled the space as he stood below them in line with my message.

Stay the fuck out of her room.

One warning.

A little drawing accompanied the words, showcasing zero of my artistic abilities because I had to leave quickly.

A ghost, because they’d both sensed my presence this last week. They saw the black shadow that followed me as I’d dipped out of sight quickly while following them. My scent haunted Cat. She’d inhale it whenever we were unknowingly close. It haunted Cedric, too. Poor fucker was always looking over his shoulder.

I had no idea that a friendly-looking spook would scare him so much.
