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I wouldn’t do that to another person.

I couldn’t.

And I couldn’t risk Cat’s life. Alerion told me once to disappear, to let the world forget me, or she’d suffer for it.

I doubted he was lying.

I’d refueled my vehicle an hour into my drive. Stupidity made me think the odd eleven dollars I had floating in my pocket would be enough to see what felt like half of the state. But luck was on my side, for a fucking change, and I’d found a twenty wedged down the passenger seat.

Thanks for that, Dec. I can get home tonight because of you.

Well, maybe I wouldn’t.

Plaid Shirt might gut me with the wildlife he’d be hunting that would take care of everything except Cat, who I had to find.

She’d suffered enough.

Memories flooded my head. I glanced at the hanging little bear, thinking of all the others I’d gifted her over the months I’d spent with her. I wondered where they were now, doubting she had a closet full of stuff. Her life with Cedric—her first master—was different from how most trafficked women lived. She didn’t have a chain around her neck, and she didn’t live in a cage. She had a room filled with pink and a comfortable bed that even I, who hardly slept, had dreams upon.

It wouldn’t be that way now.

She wouldn’t be living.

She’d be surviving, and every day, she’d probably be wishing she hadn’t.

“Fuck!” I pelted the steering wheel with two closed fists as I missed my turn.

Time was wasting away, so fuck wasting more by turning around. I proceeded, driving for an hour before I came to a rundown area hidden within the ass crack of Georgia.

Some houses looked ready to collapse and join the house I was born in. My childhood home was torn down, now nothing more than a scar on this decrepit street.

Boarded-up homes stared at me from each side of the road. The creatures living here did the same, not liking a stranger on their turf.

If only they knew who I was.

I was the rockstar they’d happily invite into the dirty diner at the end of the road, attracting more attention and business.

The little boy whose screams they ignored time and time again.

I slowed the truck, overlooking a dirty lake. No ducks dared to dip their heads beneath the brown water, and I remembered the first time my life almost ended there.

Back when no one gave a shit about me.

I didn’t have brothers back then. All I had was an addict mother who pimped out and abused her only kid to get a fix.

I shifted gears and pulled off, knowing in my gut I couldn’t let Ollie down.

And because of that, I had somewhere to be. Things to do. A woman to hide.

I changed the radio station as my foot plodded on the gas, and I prayed that any station had something else to play other than one of my songs.

But my luck had run out.

Chapter 5


Light lit up my house, letting me see my family moving around the dining area as I peeked through the darkness. Woodrow had made dinner again. It was something he enjoyed doing to keep his mind busy. Part of me was already craving the leftovers, my stomach growling like a wild animal. He kissed his girl on the head. Her thick curls moved as his lips touched her. He moved with a giant bowl of spaghetti to Dec, who sat on the opposite side of the table.
