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I giggled as they bumped into his head, hiding behind my fingers when that giggle turned ugly, and I snorted.

He snickered, finding my lack of confidence cute or annoying.

I reminded myself once more that if annoyance were what he felt for me, he wouldn’t have brought me to his trailer alone.

The cushion beneath me indented as he edged a little closer, his denim-clad knee so close to mine but never touching.

My breath stuttered, and my head rushed, almost taking me down.

“Feeling okay?” He sounded like he cared, his words and his fingers pulling me closer to him.

With my hand over my racing heart, I said, “A little nervous.”

His head dipped in question. Long lashes shadowed the prettiest eyes and fanned down on his cheeks as he silently tried to read me. His mouth was so close now, his warm breath on my lips.

“It’s not every day you get to meet your celebrity crush. Most people never get alone time with them.”

I smiled, but his face remained unreadable, not pleased by my confession. If anything, it looked like disappointment shone in his eyes, and he reeled back.

Hating the taste of that disappointment, I asked, “Can I have another gummy? Because whatever that last thing was, it didn’t surprise me.” I felt the onset of the munchies, which was understandable, given that Rhylie and I had missed dinner to attend the show.

The striped paper bag came back to me, and this time, I pulled out an orange bear with an unflattering smell, but at least it appeared to hold flavor.

“I love teddy bears. I used to have a very special one from my grandfather when I was little.” With the gummy closer to my face, I inhaled. “I think this one could do with a shower.” I dropped it on my tongue, bracing myself for the heavy chewing when Remi laughed, interrupting all my thoughts.

His gaze, all hot and wanting, fell to my mouth, watching as I chewed slower for his benefit and for the kind of benefits it could bring me.

He placed the bag of candy between his legs, pulling my attention to the bulge pressing against the denim.

His body moved closer. A soft touch landed on my cheek and caressed me so gently it didn’t feel like the touch of a rockstar. His fingers brushed along my jaw, feeling the muscles work as I chewed the candy.

Remi’s hot breath landed on my lips, and I sucked it in.

I edged closer, my painted nails digging into his denim leg, my rising chest tapping his every time I breathed. He breathed harder as if the strain between his legs was painful for him.

I was about to ask if he was ever going to kiss me when his lips landed on mine. The first touch was gentle, almost sweet. The second, after the briefest glance into my eyes, my soul, my very being, he had his hands in my hair, tilting my head as his tongue barged past my lips, warring with mine as I tried to keep up. The gummy bear danced between us, tongues twirling around its ugly taste and smell.

Remi pulled me onto his lap, slouching back on the couch, cushions shuffling beneath us and falling to the floor.

“Ignore them,” he rasped when I tried to grab the one that bumped my leg on its fall.

Straddling him, he lay back, chewing the gummy he’d stolen, looking effortlessly hot, while I looked a hot mess with my fuzzed-up hair.

“Come and get it,” he whispered, flashing me the bear on his tongue.

My hands landed on his shoulders, and his landed on my ass, pulling me closer with a harsh yet desperate grip.

I giggled, feeling overwhelmed in this intimate position. I leaned into his chest, alcohol weighing me down. I took in his face, eyeing him with all my innocence, no doubt shining in my eyes.

“Get the fuck up here,” he ordered, with absolutely no innocence at all.

He dragged me over his crotch, the hardness beneath the denim rubbing over every sensitivity, nudging my clit and spreading his desire to me. I moaned, my lips landing on his. My tongue entered his mouth, finding the bear I didn’t really want.

He rubbed my crotch over his, and I moaned again, our kiss breaking off. I leaned back, my body sinking lower into his. It felt good, like nothing I’d ever experienced before. All my little moans encouraged his big hands to keep doing what he was doing, guiding me over his rock-hard cock.

He sat forward, leaned into me, and licked from my jaw to between my breasts. I didn’t know where the candy had gone. I didn’t care. I no longer needed an excuse to kiss him or for him to touch me. I could just ask…

“More…” I pleaded. “Give me more.” I needed it. I needed him, needed him to fill the aching inside me.
