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Remington’s husky voice led me to the chorus, the words hypnotizing me.

My whole body vibrated, nervous fingers shaking on the mic as the realization that I was on stage with a rockstar—the rockstar that I loved more than any other fan did—set in. The second drink hadn’t gifted me any courage yet, and I had nothing to walk me through this, aside from the fact that I could reach out and touch Remington Cole. Would it make me feel better? I wondered, and before I knew it, my hand was stretching through the gap between us, my fingers weaving through his. He froze like he didn’t know what to do with that.

My vision blurred, and sound bled out from the room. I couldn’t hear the echo of fans encouraging me with his song. I couldn’t hear his band, the pounding of drums so close to me, the guitarist and bassist strumming chords on each side of the stage. I could only hear my heart pounding a rapid and terrifying beat in my ears.

And then his hand closed around mine, soft skin around my sweaty fingers.

“She’s a little nervous, you guys.” He gave my hand a squeeze, guiding me away from what I thought was a panic attack and hoped wasn’t a heart attack. “How about we give her a hand.”

The audience began to sing.

Remington’s gaze caressed me, that calming feeling I’d hoped for finally washing over me as he leaned in, coaxing me back to life with a softer tone to his voice.

“Then you’re floating.

And it’s colorful,

And the world is beautiful,

But the gloating…

All at the door, waiting for you when you hit the floor.”

“You’re good. You’re fine.” He soothed, abandoning his song to whisper those words, taking my hand to his lips and pressing the softest kiss to my knuckles.

I mimicked Mr. I Heart Remington’s gasp.

Remington pulled me in, my sequins stabbing his bare skin as our bodies collided. A nutty scent filled my nose. It was him. His smell was all over me, all around me, and it made me feel safe, warm, and daring.

A flash went off, and I recognized the bright light from my camera.

Remington sang a line, joining in with his fans, his fingers brushing the goosebumps from my arm.

My courage grew, and enjoyment filled me because out of all the thousands of people in the room, he’d chosen me to stand and sing with him. I belted out a verse of his song in a voice the crowd certainly wouldn’t have paid to hear if given the choice. And I sang the song to the end, painful words telling the story of love and addiction—it was exactly how I felt about this man.

The song came to an end, and feeling shy, I handed the mic back to him, our fingers brushing for a second. I flushed with heat, with lust, with a wanting like I’d never known as our eyes met.

His gaze broke off, and I followed it, seeing Daniel offstage, tapping his watch, then his eye, then pointing out at the audience. It pulled Remi a step away from me. He gave my knuckles another kiss, then practically shuffled me back to the other VIPs so he could sing the closing song.

I froze at the bar. Rhylie wasn’t there.

I looked from left to right before a wobbling step took me forward.

“Your sister went to the bathroom before the crowd gets in there!” explained one of the girls who’d been neighboring me all night. “Judging by how she shimmied down those steps, it looked like she couldn’t wait.”

That sounded like Rhylie. When she had to go, she had to go.

“Thank you.”

“God, she’s so lucky. I bet she even smells like him now.” I heard one girl say as I ducked under the rail.

I did, and I never wanted to wash again.

“Thank you, and goodnight! I appreciate the love, you guys. And I wish you all a safe journey home.” Remington disappeared from the stage. Every light fitted in this arena began to glow, brightening the room.

With Remington gone, Rhylie’s absence became so much more noticeable.

Heels clicked, shoes stomped, and everyone headed toward the exits and restrooms. I stretched to my tippy toes, trying to see my sister’s return over the masses. But she didn’t return. Mr. I Heart Remington left with his friends. The girls fighting over the drummer left. Everyone left, and then there was just me.
