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“On the stage.” Daniel’s good genes lit up under the bright overhead lights, and I didn’t fail to notice how Rhylie appreciated each one with stolen glances. “The supporting artists will be on soon.” He clicked long fingers into the air, and a young woman, holding a tray of alcoholic cocktails, leisurely strolled over.

I didn’t mention my age as I took one, but Rhylie’s irritation almost gave me away. So, I took another and dumped it in her hand, swigging mine back to give me the courage to deal with her once Daniel slipped away. The woman with the drinks shifted back into the darkness, taking my glass with her.

“I have some boring stuff to do while the openers play, but I’ll be back for you guys later.” Daniel’s white teeth flashed in a handsome smile. “And apologies, I haven’t even introduced myself. I’m Daniel. I understand you to be Rhylie.” Daniel’s smile grew while on my sister.

She merely nodded, but I knew what her interest looked like, and I knew that was what called the pretty pink flush to her cheeks.

“You look really beautiful tonight.” Daniel’s eyes dropped, appreciating the dress that matched his suit.

“Thank you.” She smiled, her eyes meeting his, blue on blue. Something connected there. Desire, maybe?

I felt like a third wheel and edged away, but I kept my ears close to their conversation. It stayed innocent, nothing more than a compliment back and forth before Daniel disappeared, giving me a wave as he straightened his suit and dropped down the steps. I moved back to Rhylie, giving her a shoulder bump and a knowing grin.

“Shut up, or I’ll whip you with my hair for drinking this thing,” Rhylie spoke with a new pitch, this one not dragged down by her pain and upset, as she took a sip of her own drink. “He was just being friendly.”

“Sure, he was. You can save your whipping for him.” I shrugged again. “You always did like older guys.”

“Yeah, not that old. Mom and Dad would be fuming. He’s gotta be at least thirty!”

I laughed, thinking she could add a few more years to that.

More girls flooded in, many happy to try and thieve our center position. I held on to the rail, and Rhylie held on to me, waiting for the show to begin.

The opening acts came and went, all three of them. The last band left the stage, and the girls at my side screamed over how hot they thought the drummer was. One playfully shoved another, and she tumbled in her giant heels when she claimed he could do better than her friend.

Stagehands moved around the glossy floor, setting the stage again, switching out Poisoned Hearts’ green drum for a bright pink one with Remington’s name in the center.

The room darkened, voices hushed and then amplified, cheers and girlish screams echoed around, none louder than mine as I almost deafened Rhylie as the star of all my fantasies took his first step onto the stage, bringing them all to life.

Rhylie pulled back, and I edged forward, desperate to get a little closer to him. The bar between us pressed into my stomach as I watched laced-up boots bring him to the center of the stage. He looked so effortlessly perfect in a plain white tee and jeans. He kept the chill of the arena from his bones with a brown leather jacket that creased when he waved to the crowd, stepping into the light that reflected off his facial piercings.

Sen Chasity of the Voodoo Dolls, one of his opening acts, hurried out, whispering something in his ear, fueling all the dating rumors surrounding them.

The crowd went wild...and so did my emotions.

I swallowed, feeling sick, hating the idea of him dating. I hated the idea of him being into someone who wasn’t me, despite him having no idea I existed. It wasn’t fair because, to me, no guy would ever live up to him.

“Do you think they’re a thing?” I had to shout for Rhylie to hear me over the crowd.

She leaned in close and humored me with her words, “I think it’s just a rumor because they are on tour together.”

“Good evening, everyone! Apologies for Sen’s interruption. That one knows no boundaries.” Remington gripped the mic on the stand facing the crowd, addressed his fans, and was greeted with another cheer from them. “She’ll be singing the first song with me. I hope you’re excited about that. But, if not, well, that’s kinda tough shit because we’d need fucking security to get her off the stage now. So, are we excited for that?”

The crowd cheered. I didn’t scream this time. My heart raced, and all the sound in the room became white noise, acting like backup singers to my pounding, racing heart.

Remington moved downstage and sat at the piano set up on the right. He positioned his mic on the fitted stand.

Sen followed him like a delicate little shadow, but she got closer than a shadow as she slid her perfect body between Remington and the grand piano. Its white color matched her skin as bright lights shone down on them. She dropped to Remi’s lap, wiggling in close.

And it twisted something inside me. An imaginary knife in my straining heart, my blood dripping over her small hands—small hands that, in reality, were nowhere near me. Nor were they holding a knife. They were all over Remington as she leaned back into him.

I didn’t hate her. I envied her, with her shiny black hair, her skin kissed by moonlight, and Remington’s fingers finding her waist.

I suddenly felt foolish in my low-cut dress. The silver sequins jabbed me, cruelly mocking me for thinking he might notice me.

I could feel Rhylie’s eyes roaming over me, and I was determined not to show her my sadness, swallowing it down as I clutched the rail.

But then my world spun on its axis, and I held on to the rail harder than ever as Sen was shifted to the side of the man I adored by his own hands, which no longer touched her once she left his lap. His fingers moved to the keys, his mouth to her ear, whispering what I thought was, “Just the song. I told you, the stuff between us, that’s done.” The mic picked up hints for all to hear.
