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“I doubt it.” Fury sat on Ollie’s face. I couldn’t see him, but I knew the tone. I’d been made familiar with it in my younger years. “Where are you? Can you come home?”

“Why? What is it?”

There was a pause where Ollie didn’t say a word, and it gave me time to take another drink and lick the latte mustache from my top lip under the watchful bulging brown eyes of Plaid Shirt over there.

“I thought you were heading to The Shithole?”

“I hadn’t made it out of the fucking driveway when I got the call.”

“What call?”

“Rubbichon doesn’t trust you.”

“So what? Pencil Dick has never liked me anyway.”

Pencil dick, being the loser nephew who recently took over following Alerion’s very painful-sounding death.

Ollie sighed down the line. “He wants a show, Remi.”

“Well, he’s got no chance. I’m retired.”

“You’re coming out of retirement.”

“The fuck I am!”

The back of my head hit the headrest. My face revealed more of itself to anyone looking than I cared to show. I pulled my hood lower.

“You are, Remi. I can’t get you—”

“What are you gonna do, Ollie, drag me on stage? Open my mouth and force me to sing?”

“I can’t get you out of this, Remi. Prove your motives.”

“Prove that we’re working against that son of a bitch to bring his empire of scum to the ground?”

“No. Of course not. Prove you’re on his side.”

“But I’m not on his side, Ollie. And there is only so much acting I can do. I was a singer, not a fucking thespian. Tell him fucking no! Tell him you’ll take care of it. You’re in charge here.”

“It’s out of my hands.”

“How is that even possible? You’re my boss.”

“And he’s my boss. My word stands against most. But not Rubbichon. It’s his kingdom.”

“That he’s happy to let anyone rule while he fucks around in France.”

“He isn’t in France.”

“Where is he? Here?” Fuck, I hoped so, so I could accidentally murder him next…on purpose.

“Lucky for you, he’s in Ibiza with some family issues.”

“Hopefully, spending a nice uncomfortable vacation with Alerion’s eldest son, seeing how much that one loves his family. Hopefully, he’ll do me a favor and end Pencil Dick like he did his father before he gets here with demands.”

“The demands are made, Remi. You go on stage in six weeks. Don’t make plans for Valentine’s Day.”

“He isn’t even here. He can fuck right off.”
