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“Though Rothbart worked for him—that’s how he had you.”

“And Rothbart was going to pick up a teenager. He could have killed her.”

Woodrow agreed. “Ollie will be home soon. He’ll take care of it.”

Chapter 38


This cop wasn’t a fan of mine, that was for sure. Neither was his partner.

They were dragging up every shitty thing that ever happened in my life out under the bright lights, except the stuff they should be, which led Dec and me to believe they didn’t have as much on me as we’d thought as we sat across from them in the interrogation room.

“I’ve told you everything I know.” I sat back, taking my elbows from the table. “I came in here and admitted that I work with trafficking victims, but I’m on the right side of the law, providing a safe space for those who got away.”

“You did,” agreed loser cop number one—also known as Detective Diaz. He ran a hand through wiry blond hair before asking, “What happened to the men or women who held these people prisoner?”

“I can’t answer that.”

“And why is that?”

“Because I have no idea. These people are already free when they find their way to me.” That wasn’t true, but lying was second nature.

“And how do they know where to find you?” Detective Brooks asked.

He looked nothing like his partner. He didn’t even look old enough to be a fucking cop.

“We have a charity. It’s small and not well known, and it goes by the same name as the housing where our survivors live. Beyond Heaven.”

That much was true, put in place as a cover.

“It’s in my brother’s name—not a biological brother—Woodrow Heaven. You can look it up.”

“We will. We will be double-checking everything you’ve told us.” Brooks smiled, and I could smell today’s doughnuts from across the table. “Speaking of biological, your mother died when you were fourteen? You went by Ellis back then?”

“Irrelevant.” Dec sat forward. “And legally, he can’t use that name.”

“It’s a nice name. Why change it?”

“This has what to do with anything?”

“Humor me?”

“Because this interrogation is a joke?”

“Because what seems like silly questions to you helps us to build a character profile.” Brooks’ eyes moved to me. “You ran out the day she died. Did guilt make you change your name?”

“That isn’t what happened. And he told you that at the first interview, back when he was eighteen, shooting to superstardom, and you guys pulled him in for questioning. You were the ones to tell him his mother was dead. He knew nothing of it before that, having left prior to that event. So, let’s do the profiling with the truth, huh?” I couldn’t get a word in, thanks to Dec.

Luckily, we knew every single thing about each other, all the lies included. He wouldn’t let these fuckers catch me on something I hadn’t even done.

Detective Diaz ignored Dec. “But you weren’t sad about it?”

“No,” I answered for myself. “I hated my mother.”

“The woman who gave you life, why?”

“That is only one of the reasons. She was an addict and—”
