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“Buy them all.” She laughed. “I want them all.”

But she still positioned herself close to me as I guided her camera to a better angle. She snapped the shot. And as she placed a kiss on my cheek, despite the paparazzi, I smiled.

I carried a sleeping Cat over the threshold, kicking off my boots in the direction of Azrael, who knew the sound of my truck too well and had been waiting for my entrance. I closed out the darkness and moved into view of the living room, creeping through the dim lighting as a good percentage of my family watched TV in the living room.

A creaky board interrupted the documentary about spouses who murder.

“Cat’s in a wedding dress?” Dec surprised me by being the first to look around from the TV, with his jaw practically hanging off the couch. “Cat’s in a wedding dress!”

“Cat is also sleeping. Hush.”

Jolie spun between Hell’s parted legs. It was him I heard next.

He laughed, as sinister and cold sounding as his real voice. “Ollie give his blessing?”

I ignored him, taking Cat to our room, Michael and Shadow creeping in behind me. Of all the fucking cats, the furriest two were in here, molting their long wispy hairs all over my shit. I placed my bride down on our bed.

“I’ll be back soon, Dream. No nightmares while I’m gone.” I kissed her forehead and left the room, keeping the door open a crack.

All eyes were on me as I walked back into the living room, including Gabriel’s, as he paused mid-ass wash to judge me from the kitchen island.

I could almost hear Jolie grinding her teeth over that.

“Wanna explain the wedding dress?” One of Dec’s eyebrows raised, but his jaw was in the correct place, avoiding joint pain.

I shrugged. “Isn’t it obvious?”

“You got married?”

“She showed me her ring, but she didn’t say it was happening this weekend,” Jolie added.

I let out a sigh, knowing they had lots of reasons to have feelings about this. For one, I should have invited them.

“Look, I didn’t tell you guys because I knew there’d be objections.”

“Of course, there would.” Hell was laughing again, grinding on my nerves.

“People in glass houses, brother...”

“None of us are saints,” Dec was back to leading the conversation. “Did you at least tell her everything?”

I walked deeper into the room, stealing whoever’s cold coffee was on the table and taking the last sip. I lowered my height to the arm of the couch and lowered my voice, too. “If I did, do you think she’d have married me?”

“Oh, Remi...that’s so bad.”

“Jolie, I do not judge your relationship. Same courtesy, please. And anyway, I can’t tell her.”

“Because you’re in too deep? Too many fucking lies?”

I almost wanted to take the collar from Hell and not give it back until Woodrow was back at the front.

“Don’t be a fucking hypocrite.”

“I don’t fucking lie to my girl.”

“No, but you’ve done a lot of shitty fucking stuff.”

“That she knows and accepts.”
