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We were working from the inside to break the ring that trafficked more girls and boys than any other in the world.

But it was starting to feel like we were doing the opposite, to me. We were sacrificing many to save one.

Ollie’s one.

I’d never met her.

But she was the reason he’d signed himself up to work for the devil. She was kidnapped eleven, maybe twelve years ago, and there’d been no sightings since.

But he wouldn’t give up.

And he had worked his way up to make sure he could be the one with access to her if she ever crossed our radar.

He would understand why my body was itching to get out of this fucking house. I didn’t, but he would.

That wasn’t true. I knew the truth. Cat was an addiction to me. I knew it. All the big bosses knew it, hence the name. The Decoy’s Slut.

And you couldn’t put a bottle of wine in front of an alcoholic and not expect them to take it.

A quick rummage through my drawers, and I found what I was looking for—a tracking device that swallowed up her code and prepared to sniff her out.

I threw a T-shirt and a hoodie over my head, hiding the dozens of tattoos drawn on my body in her honor. I traded my sweatpants for some jeans while waiting for it to load.

There was a slight delay, and my stomach dropped. Codes could only not be picked up if the person had died. But she wasn’t marked as deceased.

My fingers strangled the device, and I brought it to my face to see the battery flashing. I prayed that was the reason for the delay.

Because, despite not seeing her in years, despite knowing I should avoid this woman like the fucking plague as I had for so fucking long, I couldn’t be sure what it would do to me if I knew she was gone forever.

The number 0046532 was replaced by little lines, like heart waves, fading in and out across the rectangular screen, and I waited, impatiently tapping my foot against the carpet. I took a sip of my coffee, remembering why the fuck I never asked Dec to make it. The hot liquid, twice boiled, burned my lip, but I couldn’t focus on the pain.

My heart began to race.

The machine began to beep rapidly.

Because she was close.

But she wasn’t in this house.

I muted the machine, making a mental note of the coordinates on the screen, and tossed it to my chair, where it instantly stopped flashing as the battery finally died.

I stalled, my fingers wrapping around the doorknob.

It wasn’t wise for me to go for her. To be her hero.

My mouth opened to call Dec, intent on sending him to go get her. To take her to Beyond Heaven, where I wouldn’t have to see her.

But no words came out.

I ignored every rational thought that entered my head, pulled open the door, and rushed through the house. Keys jingled as I pulled mine from the shared bowl where they were all kept.

“Shoo. Move.” I hissed at Azrael—the lanky tabby cat who acted like he owned the fucking house and everything in it—as he rolled around, kicking one of my boots that Ollie must have put back on the rack and scuffing the leather. I tapped his ass with my foot, and his big green eyes focused on me as he retaliated with a growl, proving he’d fight for the boot if needed.

“For fuck’s sake.”

I slammed my feet into Woodrow’s sneakers, grateful we had the same size giant feet.

The shadow of my hood hung over my face. “I’m going out.”
