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“It’s close, isn’t it?”

She could barely talk. Her words were heavy with emotion, broken up by an uncontrolled sob that slipped through her lips in the midst of her sentence. “It’s so close.”

Tears were in Ollie’s eyes, too, making the blue look brighter. A smile stayed on his face as he looked over to Remi, winking his eye. A stray tear fell from the darkest lashes.

“Tell me you love me.” Jolie’s arms wrapped tightly around the man she loved, her face pressed so tightly into his chest, making the words hard to understand.

“I love you, Moonlight. More than anything.”

“More than ever.” She stretched up, her lilac toes twinkling, and kissed him. “Always.”

I wiped a tear from the corner of my eye, not wanting my emotions to ruin the mascara and blush Jolie had put on me to enhance my features.

“I think we’ll leave you guys to it. Woodrow probably has lots he wants to say.” Remi took my hand and led me to the door like he knew I’d made new plans for us tonight.

Chapter 30


My truck sat under a pink sky. The tones were so much more vivid than any other evening. We lay in the back, my face on hers, admiring the efforts she’d made for our date.

Not the food.

Definitely not the food.

Half of it was still lingering around some camping gear Ollie suggested I bring before I made it out of the driveway.

We hadn’t gone far. If I squinted in the right direction, I’d see our home. We were just on the other side of the trees surrounding it.

Despite the bland taste, I’d eaten some of what she’d made for me, to be polite, of course. I loved Italian food, and I loved that she cooked for me. Now, I’d just have to teach her how to cook.

“You don’t like it, do you?” she’d asked, her wide eyes grilling me so hard they burned into my soul and stole the truth. “It’s okay. You can admit it.”

“I love that you cooked for me.” That was true, even if she couldn’t cook for shit.

“I think it tastes like feet.”

“Can’t comment. I’ve never eaten feet.”

“Well, no. I haven’t, either, but this is what I imagine they would taste like.”

“Your thoughts go to weird places, Dream.” I’d pushed another forkful of tagliatelle into my mouth and forced myself to chew it.

Cat didn’t do the same, swirling her fork around pointlessly in her plastic container.

“You don’t have to eat it if you’re not enjoying it. There are some takeout places nearby.”

“I’m okay.” She didn’t waste any time closing her plastic lid or handing it to me to get it as far away as possible. “I’m sorry. I really did try.”

“And I appreciate that…and you.”

And that brought us here…relaxed, with her head on my chest.

Jolie had sent me a quick message, hinting that Cat had special plans for me tonight and that it would be nice if I did something special in return.

Giant pink roses sat at our side, resting on a stuffed animal’s lap—this one, not a bear but a raccoon. There was a reason for that, and I regretted buying him—why I thought of it as a him who the fuck knew, but I had gender assigned this toy, for whatever reason. Regardless of his sex, I regretted buying him the second I tapped my card against the reader because he reminded me too much of the night we first met.

The scent of the roses, heavy and floral, moved around us as I pulled her closer and fully onto me.
