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“Yeah. I won’t be long,” I said on the phone as I sat at Ms. Sutter’s bedside. She was awake, watching the same movie on TV that I could also hear from the phone.

It turned out that our TV at home had around a twenty-second delay. Luckily, I was enjoying this movie enough to listen to the lines twice.

The man on TV—or should I say, old lady, because that was what he was dressed up as—danced around with a vacuum as he cleaned the house he once lived in with his family. His wife wanted a divorce and wanted to see as little of him as possible. I laughed to myself, thinking I could see myself going to those lengths if Cat cut me out again.

But I’d never be able to hide the erection that plagued me every night as I watched her sleep.

“And then we’re going out?”

“Yeah, Little Dream. Ask Jolie if she has a swimsuit you can borrow. If not, we’ll pick something up on the way.”

“Can I just wear one of your T-shirts?”

Against my better judgment, because I hadn’t managed to make her love herself during the last overly stressful week, I said, “Yes. If you’d prefer that.”

“I would.”

“Okay. Give me an hour or so, and I’ll be with you, my girl.”

“Okay.” Cat laughed at something that happened on the TV. At least I hoped it was something on the TV and not something Dec, who was probably around her again, sitting too close for my liking, said.

I adjusted the discomfort in my pants, and the girl in the bed at my side sneered, writing some words down on a notepad she held up for me to read and tempting me to take back her pen and paper privileges.

“Hey, Little Dream, I gotta go scold a patient.”

“Remi, wait!” Cat prevented me from hanging up. “Is she okay? Your friend.”

“One day at a time, but she’s enjoying the same movie you are, by the sounds of it, and even if it’s just a movie, I’m glad she’s enjoying something.”

“Me, too.”

“I’ll see you soon.”

“Okay. Be safe.”

“Will do.”

I glanced over to the note again, now resting on the chest of the girl staring at me like she wanted to stab me with the pen.

I hope you’re keeping that thing away from my sister.

I laughed, then looked over to her with an eyebrow raised. “Chill, Rhylie, I haven’t had her back ten days yet. I haven’t touched her.”

Rhylie flipped the page to a clean sheet.

But you’re hard over her, and she’s just talking.

“Trust me, babe. She’s safe.”

Does she remember you yet?

“No. Fortunately, and I know you might think that it’s shitty on my part not to tell her, but she’s been through a lot. Granted, she still has her tongue and eyes, but she’s lost things, too. She has scars, and she’s uncomfortable in her body. Then there’s that very serious heart defect. I just don’t want to stress her.”

How is she after the heart attack? She scribbled the words quickly.

“She’s tough.” I smiled. “Doctor Rodregez believes the issues with her heart should have been dealt with years ago. Do you know why they weren’t?”

She was on some kind of waitlist as a teenager for surgery, but I’m not sure what they were going to do, and my parents died before anything was done. Does Doctor Rodregez think she’ll die, too?
