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“What do you mean?”

“Hell’s about to release some frustrations. On Jolie. Out there.”

I stared at him until the clues he’d given caught up to my useless brain.

“It must be nice to have a normal relationship.” I dropped my head, knowing Remi would want that because what guy wouldn’t?

His laugh was usually a beautiful sound, but it sounded almost cruel right now.

“What’s so funny?”

“They don’t have a normal relationship. Jolie was a human sale, bought for that very purpose. She just accepts her cruel fate these days.” Remi moved to the bathroom and flicked on the light that bled into his room, and I followed it and found him at the shower, stripping down to nothing.

“And she’s okay with living like that? How is Ollie okay with it?”

Ollie couldn’t be okay with it. He disapproved of Remi being with me, and I was almost certain it was because I was a human sale, but I’d noticed no issues regarding Jolie being here.

“I don’t want to tell you.” He turned away from me, standing in nothing but his snug boxer shorts that kept pulling my attention to places it should not go. He blasted the shower until heat started to fill the room. Condensation licked the mirror and tiles, creating heat around us.

“Please.” I needed to know. “I’m trusting you with my whole life. You have to be honest with me.”

“And if I do, you’ll be running out that door and witnessing things you wish you hadn’t. Trust me, I’ve seen them at it more than once.”

“I won’t. Tell me. Trust me.”

The only sound was the rush of shower water while Remi pondered.

“Okay. But let me tell you this first.” Remi stepped up close, gentle fingers pushing my unruly hair from my face. “Don’t bother running, baby. I’ll never let you get away from me again.”

A wave of emotion crashed and rolled in my stomach, and it wasn’t fear. I liked that he felt so strongly and would chase me if I ran. It made me feel wanted. Loved.

Maybe my version of love was warped. The only image of it I had was Candee with Rothbart, after all.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Ollie,” he stopped himself, and I knew instantly he wasn’t going to give me the truth.

“Ollie is…” I tried to lead, and I did it uselessly because he backed off. “Tell me, or I’ll twist your naughty bits until you spit it out.”

“Oh, Little Dream, if you’re gonna be calling them naughty bits, I’m not going to be able to take you seriously.”

“Funny. That’s how I feel whenever you call me Little Dream,” I retorted with a satisfied look.

His laugh was still a sardonic and cruel sound.

“Oh, I’m always so serious about everything, and you’ll have to get used to that Little Dream thing because, like you, it’s here to stay.” He winked, those beautiful eyes, getting out of answering all the questions still burning in my mind. “And…just so you know, if you’re ever going to be touching me there, you’ll be doing it for different reasons that will bring me to my knees, and you’ll be wanting to hear moans, not screams. I guarantee it. And I guarantee the same when I get to touch your naughty bits. Otherwise, how will we ever get to enjoy each other?”

“I enjoy you fine without the use of that weapon.”

He laughed again, and it was back to that beautiful noise with the power to hypnotize me.

“Please,” I begged, taking his hand.

“You don’t want to know.”

“What’s the worst thing you could tell me?”

“What you’re asking me to tell you.”
