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He shrugged and slid away slightly from the lamp at his side, trying to hide the guilt on his face, and it made me laugh.

“Well, yeah, but you’re all the best.” A smile hinted on his lips, encouraging one to mine, too.

It was impossible to stay mad at this kid.

“Have you taken your meds?”

He blinked twice, and I knew that meant yes.

“Are you sure?” I asked, flipping the switch on the state-of-the-art coffee maker, ready for another cup.

The coffee machine was the only thing I’d spent good money on in years. Everything else I owned made me look like I was poor. A regular Joe struggling in this economy. The perfect guise.

I dumped a spoonful of sugar in my cup, knowing it wouldn’t taste as good as the one Woodrow made. I waited for the water to heat up, for the perfect blend to stain the china.

“Jolie gave them to Woodrow at seven. It’s in our diary.”


Seven ugly faces came into my head.

And then a better distraction came. My coffee was done.

“Good. Get to bed. Get some rest.”

I shut down the machine, switching off plugs we wouldn’t use until morning.

When I turned around, he was still in the doorway, blocking the strip of doors that hosted each of our bedrooms and a shared bathroom.

“What is it?”

His eyes found me. “Woodrow is stressed. I can feel it. Will you talk to him about it? He thinks we’re dying again.”

“I will talk to him. . .like I’ve talked to you. And as I’ve already told you, I don’t believe you’re dying. You guys have a stomach bug. The same as Dec did two weeks ago.”

“Dec only had it for two days. It’s been weeks for us.”

“Yeah, well, that’s because you’re more fun for the bug to live inside. Right?”

“Maybe.” He didn’t look convinced.

“Look, I’ll talk to him about it and book him an appointment with Rodregez.”


“Tomorrow. I promise.”

“You really are the best big brother.”

“Until tomorrow, huh?”

“The next day.”

“Because I’m booking you a medical?”

Woody blinked twice again, appreciation still on his face when he turned off the lamp.

We walked through the hallway together, him leading, cautious of the creepy shadows straying from a bookcase full of smut, a giant vase with tall orchids standing proud—that terrified the shit out of him—and a telephone table.
