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Fuck me, was nothing about her life going to be easy.

“Also, I wanted to ask if you had thought any more about the heart surgery?”

“I haven’t yet,” Cat replied too quickly for the doctor’s liking. I didn’t even catch the words and had to ask her to fucking repeat them.

I knew when she did, she’d been thinking of it a little too much. Worrying about it whenever all her other tragic thoughts allowed it priority.

“What are the risks if she doesn’t have the surgery?”

“It might never be a problem, or it might be a very big problem.”

“Maybe we should give her a little more time to think it over. We could give this appointment to Woodrow, and Cat can come back sometime next week for the root canal, and you can talk to her then about the surgery.”

And I could talk to her before that, convince her that she had to fucking do it.

“Why does Woodrow need an appointment?” Rodregez wondered. “I saw him three months ago.”

“He’s been unwell the last few weeks, and it’s brought on a little paranoia.” At least, that’s all I hoped it was. I took a breath before adding, “He thinks he’s dying again.”

“That must be tough, but he has to learn that not every little thing is cancer.”

“Well, he doesn’t have to learn that today, does he?”

“He’s clear, Remi. It’s the issues in his head that need addressing.”

“He’s on medication.”

“Which may need looking at.”

“And so might his body.”

“This is stressing you, too?”

“Very much so. So, if Cat isn’t ready for the appointment, maybe we could get him in instead.”

“He didn’t say anything to me. He just left. He was here with the dogs.”

“All of them?”

“Yes. The German Shepherd and the chihuahua came with him and Jolie. Apparently, the new kitten isn’t a fan.”

“And did they stay here?”

“They did. You can relax, Remi.”

“Do you not like dogs?” Cat’s mouth moved slowly for my benefit.

“I have good reasons, and honestly, I’m shocked you do, given that those flea-ridden creeps were set on you fuck knows how many times.”

“They weren’t bad, just hungry.” Now, Cat was the one shrugging.

Rodregez agreed with Cat.

“Have you been hurt by one?” Cat probed into my past, her hand rubbing delicately over my chest like she knew the past could bring me pain.

“Yes. And I hold grudges.”

“I’ve been hurt by humans. Should I hate the whole of humanity?”
