Page 79 of Broken Worth

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No more sounds came from her room. She had the habit of falling asleep after she orgasmed. That thought brought up the memory of how she had tasted at the restaurant. She’d arched her pussy to get more of his mouth and tongue. When he’d worked his fingers inside her, finding her G-spot as he sucked her clit, she’d fallen apart spectacularly, squirting on his beard.

He should have used the new G-spot toy on her that night. He so wanted to see if she would do that again.

Fuck, he was panting already, his cock aching and straining. His hand started to pump down, ready to finish it, but he forced himself to let go before he creamed his stomach.

Edging himself was going to make his orgasm even harder. Maybe then he would sleep.

It didn’t take much to bring him close again and again. His chest was heaving as he lay back on the bed, his cock stiffer than ever and pointed straight at the fucking ceiling.

His breathing was so harsh, he never heard the door open. The sudden dip in the mattress popped his eyes open.

Beatrice straddled his legs, her eyes locked on his straining cock.

“Bea,” he said, his voice so thick with need he barely understood it.

“Haven’t gotten there yet?” she asked. Her hand wrapped around his erection above his, slick with lube. He let his own hand drop away to give her space. It felt fucking amazing as she worked the lube toward his base, her touch light but not as light as he’d imagined. “I must not have been loud enough,” she murmured.

His mouth went dry as his balls tightened. He didn’t have the breath to explain he’d been drawing out his orgasm. Not with her touching him.

She had the gifted bottle of lube in her other hand, and he groaned when her grip left him to squeeze more out. The bottle protested at the end of her squeeze, as if it was empty.

The idea that she’d used it all, even if it was a small bottle, made him pant as she tossed it aside. His saliva came rushing back as her hand slathered him in even more lube, tightening as she slid toward his head and over, her fingertips brushing his slit.

“Naughty girl, don’t play with him.” Montrell’s eyes rolled back as she took his words to heart and gripped him tight. “I’m close. One good pump, and it’ll all be over.”

Instead of pumping, Beatrice leaned forward, bracing her weight on one hand as she slung a leg over him and held his cock steady. Before Montrell’s brain could think about anything besides how slick her cunt felt, the head of his cock had slipped inside of her.

His hands grabbed for her hips as he pressed his own into the bed so he wouldn’t arch deep like his greedy cock was begging. He never wanted to hurt her.

“Bea, wait.”

Her hand slapped his chest before her body began to rock, taking more of him in. “I’m through waiting. We’re consummating this marriage, Montrell.”

He was as big as he could get and, fuck, about to come. He held it back as she tried to take more of him inside. Even with all the lube, his big dick wouldn’t just slide in. Montrell cussed as his hand moved between them, finding her clit slick too.

He was too desperate to finesse it. “Don’t force it all at once.” He stroked a little above where she needed him, his big fingers less than exact, but he couldn’t let go of his focus not to come to concentrate on such delicate matters. He didn’t want to do that to her, didn’t want to come after barely getting inside her gorgeous cunt.

Beatrice rocked in frustration, stilling as the movement worked her clit against his finger.

“That’s it. Focus on what feels good.” Montrell swallowed as he shifted his touch slightly too low.

“But I want—” Beatrice gasped as her hips naturally followed where he led her.

“That’s my good girl.” He groaned as her hips loosened and her natural weight took more of him inside. “Close your eyes and feel.”

He kept up the praise, most of it not making much sense because more than half his attention was focused on every inch of his cock that she was working inside her sweet pussy.

Beatrice gasped as she rocked. Her fingers lifted to pluck at her beautiful tits. Her hips shifted, small movements that finally took all of him in.

“That’s it. Fuck, you feel so good.” He switched to strokes that worked her clit directly. “You’re so perfect. Go ahead and fall apart for me, Bea.” He closed his fingers in a light pinch. “Come all over my cock like a good girl.”

She cried out as she clenched around him.

“Oh, fuck! Yes, Bea, that’s it.” His hands moved to her hips to keep her as still as he could. He began cussing himself as her pulses peaked.

“Don’t come yet. Dammit, asshole, don’t you fucking come. Not yet. Don’t come.”

Beatrice giggled as she leaned forward, making him realize he’d been chanting out loud, and she hummed in her throat when he shifted inside her. Her wet and hungry mouth kissed him, trying to fracture his concentration.
