Page 86 of Broken Resolve

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“Would have been less so if your man hadn’t shown up,” Vespa admitted, nodding toward Luka. “I owe you one.”

The light-green eyes he turned on her widened. “No,” he murmured, his hand closing over Alina’s, where it rested on the table.

Vespa frowned. “Seriously. We wouldn’t have made it away from the Irish if you hadn’t shown up.”

Alina shook her head. “Luka meant he was the one returning a favor. I know it makes you uncomfortable, but we really appreciated you helping us.” Her eyes fell to where their hands clung together. “No one would tell me where he was,” she murmured. “A little longer, and we wouldn’t be here like this.” Her lips wobbled as she sniffed.

Vespa needed a path out of there—immediately—and so she whirled toward the back exit. “Whatever. I was just—”

A hand clamped down on her good shoulder.

Vespa froze, turning her head to take in Antonio’s fierce gaze.

“Tell me you weren’t about to walk out the back door,” he demanded through clenched teeth.

“Look—” Vespa swallowed the words as Antonio let out a sound almost like a growl and herded her toward the only other door close by. It led into a rather large pantry, if pantries could ever be considered large, and the door snapped shut behind them.

“You don’t get to manhandle me!” Vespa snapped, annoyed to be relieved now that she was away from Alina’s hero-worshipping gaze. “I’m not an idiot. There are so many Coronellas outside. Getting a breath of fresh air isn’t a ridiculous idea.”

Antonio swallowed, reaching out and tracing a finger down her nose. The sensation cut through her irritation, leaving her with the same restlessness she was trying to escape before.

“You wanted to be alone, didn’t you?” Antonio asked in a murmur. “Need me to leave?” The fierceness had left his eyes, and his standard smile returned as they studied each other.

“I didn’t say I wanted to be alone,” Vespa denied, wishing she’d bitten her tongue when his eyes seemed to pin her to the shelving.

He shifted closer. “I’m not sure whether to leave or to fuck you against the wall or to wrap my arms around you and tell you everything will be all right.” He pressed the softest of kisses over the cut on her forehead, a feather of sensation.

Her eyes closed as her chest squeezed. “Oh, you want to comfort me now? You didn’t even touch me after I dragged myself from the car crash.”

“Did you need to be touched, Vespa?”

Her jaw clenched at hearing it said out loud. “Of course not.”

“Then what do you need? For the life of me, I can’t figure it out.” His lips drifted down her face, still gentle. They brushed over her suddenly trembling lips. “Are you feeling out of control? You know you can take control of me. I don’t mind if you make all the decisions.”

The huff of breath she released sounded suspiciously like a sob. “Don’t make me decide. My decisions are all fucked up right now.”

He was silent long enough that she opened her eyes. His own eyes had narrowed, and the pulse in his neck fluttered right above his loosened shirt collar.

Her words continued spilling out. “My brain is all fucked up. I want it to stop. I want everything to be quiet for a while.” She licked her lips. His were so close that she could tilt her head and reach them, but she couldn’t even decide on that. “I don’t want to boss you around, Antonio. I want—”

His hand closed hard over her mouth as he pressed her against a crate, continuing to push until her back was bent half on top of it and she was blinking up at him in shock. A sudden flush of desire made her grind against the leg he’d shoved between her own.

“You want me to take control? You want me to make you orgasm so hard every annoying thought gets blown away?” His leg rocked against her pussy.

His hand muffled her groan as she met his motion, already humping his damn thigh. Her mind quieted as she let the sensation spike inside of her. His leg wasn’t enough, but it also felt so good. That he continued to block her voice shouldn’t have been a turn-on, but it was Antonio who was doing it. She was safe with him.

“Nod if you’re okay with this, Ves,” he whispered in her ear. The swiftness of her nod should have embarrassed her, but seeing the returned heat in his eyes, she found it didn’t embarrass her at all.

“Then you’re going to keep quiet while I do whatever the fuck I want to your body.” Her sudden moan was absorbed by his palm. “Move your hand to replace mine.”

Vespa’s palm slid over her mouth to replace his.

“You’d better do a good job, or I’ll make sure everyone hears you orgasm.”

The idea of everyone hearing sent another thrill through her, even though she’d hate that. She pressed harder against her lips, the scab there rough against her palm.

Antonio kept his weight on her chest as his leg shifted enough to shove her pants down her thighs. He didn’t lower himself with them like she expected. It wasn’t his mouth that delved inside her thong, but the hand that had so recently muffled her. That hand went right for her slit, dragging through the ache there and dipping inside so his finger was slick before it toyed with her clit. Only he didn’t seem to be playing at all. He leaned hard against her upper body as he used rapid, rough strokes on her, causing her hips to arch into him even as he pinched her clit.
