Page 36 of Broken Resolve

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He swallowed. “I do, but it’s for show. They don’t technically need one. There’s a button to loosen them. They’re very safe.”

“Safe,” she repeated. Damn, staring at the cuff was doing all sorts of things to her. She brought his arm closer, mouthing his skin beneath the fuzz. “And you feel safe with me doing this?”

He lifted his other arm above his head. “Honestly? Just the thought makes me desperate to fuck you. Do you want to feel how hard I am right now?”

“I’ll trust your word on that,” she said with a grin as she rose to hook the cuff through the headboard. “Huh. Metal bars. You must like this hotel for that.” She locked the second half of the cuff around his other wrist.

“Tighter,” Antonio said, his breath brushing over her chest and sending more tingles through her.

She looked down, only then realizing her breasts were practically against his face. Fuck, something about that was hot. “Was that a request?”

His jaw clenched as she felt a shiver run through his arm. “Yes,” he said, his voice sounding even huskier. “Please. Make them tighter.”

She shifted forward, brushing her nipple against his mouth. “Suck my tit, and maybe I’ll do it.”

“Fuck, Vespa.” Antonio groaned, closing his mouth over her nipple. His cheeks pulled in as he sucked hard, not being gentle about it. The way his mouth worked her breast reminded her of how he’d sucked her clit the night before, and sensation shot down to her pussy. She thrust her hips against his stomach, which didn’t do a fucking thing but still made her groan. Her hands clicked the cuff on his right arm tighter.

He lifted his head, his eyes glittering in the strip of sunlight from the window.

She shifted her body so her other breast bumped his face, and her hands went to the first cuff. A smile rose as she waited. “You want this one tightened too?”

He made a sound that was almost like a growl and sucked on the other breast. She tightened that cuff quickly, grabbing his head when he bit her and made her moan. She pulled him against her chest tighter and tried to smother him with her breast—his mouth there somehow made her clit ache.

Already feeling slightly out of control, she dragged his head back. His lips looked hot, and the way her nipple glistened made her want to rub on him again. She released him instead, shifting down to try to press her body against his erection. The sheet got in the way.

She scrambled to the side so she could flip the sheet off the damn bed. His erection, free and at full mast and all hers, made her mouth water. Her hand reached for it, a finger sliding along a vein.

Antonio sucked in a breath. It made her feel powerful. She wanted to extend that feeling. She rolled over him, and all that hardness pressed into her stomach as she kissed his chest. “You look so fucking good. I want to lick you up.” Her tongue flicked out, finding his nipple. She liked the way it puckered under her efforts. “You used your mouth on me last night. It’s only fair I return the favor.”

He swallowed as he stared down at her, his Adam’s apple bobbing, and she continued her path with her mouth. His skin was hot to the touch. He had abs a statue would be jealous of. He wasn’t very hairy, but there was a light trail of hair from his navel down to his cock that he especially liked to have bitten, she learned. She used her mouth as she kissed down to his pubic hair, rubbing her cheek along his erection. She shifted to drop a kiss on the very tip of him, then leaned forward to suck on the skin near his pelvis instead of taking his cock into her mouth.

His body tensed as her mouth found his hip and she bit the taut skin there. When her hand moved beneath him to squeeze his ass as she sucked on his hip hard, one of those delicious shudders ran through him. “Hmmm,” she murmured against his skin. “You like that.”

He didn’t answer, and she lifted her head to find his eyes focused intently on her.

“I think you like to be teased,” she said, not expecting him to admit it.

She moved her face back to his erection, licking along the vein she’d trailed with a finger before. When she got to the tip, she closed her mouth around it, swirling with her tongue briefly before lifting.

“You know, I’ve never sucked a guy before,” she admitted. “I think I’ll have to lead up to it.”

Then she shifted to give his other hip the same treatment—nips and sucks and scrapes of her teeth. This time she brushed over the edge of his ass cheek with her lips as well, and she got the joy of hearing him cuss.

Both of her hands were gripping his ass as she kissed over the top of his thigh. Her body was between his legs now, and there was room to shift her face so she could suck hard on his inner thigh. She gave the opposite one a matching hickey.

Then she lifted her head, gripped his ass hard, and took him into her mouth.

The clank of the handcuffs against the headboard was a delicious sound.

She kept her mouth relaxed as she tested how much of him she could take. Her nails bit into his ass cheeks to hold him still as she slid up and down his length. He didn’t have some massive monster cock, but her lips couldn’t reach the base of him either without choking.

“You can fist the bottom while you suck,” Antonio suggested.

She slid her mouth up and off, giving him a look. “Sure, if I wanted to make this quick for you. But I don’t want this to be quick.”

His eyes closed as his head fell back.

She took that as acceptance and rewarded him by sucking hard on the tip of his cock. His ass vibrated under her hands, as if he wanted to thrust deeper, but she gripped him tightly, not letting him move as she kept him right there, her mouth working the tip of him. Only when another shudder ran through him did she use her hold to pull him deep into her mouth.
