Page 32 of Broken Resolve

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Her head tilted back, and the line of her neck through her jaw was elegant as she belted down the bottle of water.

“Sometimes I like to boss people around. Sometimes I prefer to be told what to do.” He shrugged as she finished drinking and considered what he said. “While I enjoy both, I like to be ordered around more often.”

She dropped the empty water bottle as she moved toward him. Her hands reached out, rubbing along his shirt until she fingered both sides of the collar. “So if I told you to strip and kneel on the floor, would you like that?”

His body drew taut at her words. “I would, if you’re turned on by that.” He tried to tell himself to focus. “But, Vespa—”

Her mouth swallowed his protest. It was demanding and forceful and needy all at once. So fucking needy as it clung before she bit his bottom lip hard, dragging out a groan from him even before she licked it after.

“Now strip,” she said against his lips. Her hands tugged on his shirt. “But only the bottoms.” She released him before stepping back. “I really like this blue shirt.”

Her husky tone wasn’t helping to dissuade his libido. He took the condom out of the pocket of his slacks, putting it in his shirt pocket instead.

“Fuck,” Vespa muttered. “Why was that hot?”

His cheeks hurt. He was grinning around her again. His hands went to his slacks before he could reconsider. Unbuttoning and unzipping gave his erection more room. He dragged both his slacks and his tight boxers off, letting them drop into a pile on the ground. His shirttail being separated by his cock was doing things for him.

Vespa hummed in her throat before moving toward him. Her hand didn’t hesitate to wrap around his erection, and she wasn’t gentle. No, her hand was tight as she squeezed him, just the kind of pressure he loved.

He hissed in a breath when she nipped his lip again.

“And you’re okay kneeling?” she asked.

“Only if you order it.” He met her dark brown gaze and let his doubts over her consent fade. She’d told him she’d been assaulted before. Assault, even the sexual kind, was often about control. Dominance. The way her nipples pebbled under her shirt and her eyes hooded and her tongue slid over her lip all told him she wanted the opposite. Vespa would make a great domme, even if it remained more casual than full.

She released his cock. “Get on your knees,” she murmured.

Antonio obeyed, sinking down before her and loving the way her breathing hitched. He crossed his ankles in the back.

She circled him. He didn’t like that she was hiding herself from sight, but he didn’t protest. This was going to be Vespa’s show.

She crouched down, practically sitting on his legs as she pushed his head to the side and used her mouth on his neck. The intensity was immediate. Antonio had always been sensitive there. Sensation spiked through his body as she bit before sucking hard. He nearly whimpered when she soothed the spot with her tongue. He’d likely have a mark.

“I’m surprised you like this.” Her breath brushed over his ear. “You always seem so confident.”

“I am confident. Kneeling doesn’t make me insecure, Vespa. It makes me hard.”

Her lips curved against his neck as if she was smiling. Her cheek brushed his as she leaned over his shoulder to look down. “You were already hard.”

He was aching and straining, and a drop of precum glistened on his tip. He didn’t try to speak through the sudden spike of need when her mouth worked on his neck again and her hands went to the buttons of his shirt. His head tilted to give her more access, and he closed his eyes to focus on feeling.

The soft brush of her hands was causing small shudders to flare in his body as her mouth continued to be generous and rough at the same time.

Vespa didn’t hold back. Her breasts rubbed against his back through her shirt as she made noises into his neck and finally finished unbuttoning him so that his shirt hung open. Her cheek felt soft against his as she peered down again and hummed in her throat. “Pretty. But not quite right.”

Her hands moved to the open sides of his shirt and pulled them back, baring his shoulders and all of his front while his shirt locked up his arms.

He arched, thrusting his cock out as the sensation of being trapped slithered through him and made him burn with need. He was already close to coming all over the damn carpet.

Her arms wrapped around him and her hands stroked his chest. “Jesus, you’re so fucking gorgeous,” she muttered. Her fingers pinched his nipples as she watched over his shoulder. The other hand molded over his abs. “Why do I wish you were all mine when I see you like this?”

His cock throbbed. “I am all yours, Vespa. Tonight I’m yours.”

“Oh, shut up,” she muttered against his skin before her teeth sank into his shoulder and her hand dropped to his cock to wrap around it.

“Fuck,” he gasped as his balls tightened. She’d already begun to pump, and she wasn’t playing around.

“Always so cocky,” she murmured, mouthing the skin she could reach and pinching his nipple harder.
