Page 3 of Broken Resolve

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“I figure you picked this place for the same reason I did.” Antonio’s finger slid over the condensation on his glass. “These people are far outside the life we lead, aren’t they?”

She sighed. “I don’t want to hear about your conquests.”

“Kind of hypocritical to judge me when you came for the same thing, isn’t it?”

“I’m not judging.” She looked toward him, surprised to see his perpetual smile was missing. “I’m not,” she insisted. “Hell, Di Salvo, I don’t think about you much at all, and I don’t want to. I came here to not run into someone I know.” Her frown followed. “The truth is, I suck at this, and having someone see that makes me feel even stupider.”

“You’re far from stupid, Vespa,” Antonio said. His smile didn’t return, and he looked strangely serious. “This place was a good choice, and you had that man hooked until you cut him loose.”

Her fingers tightened on her straw, squishing it. “You were watching me?”

He shrugged. “Noticing my surroundings is an occupational hazard.”

Another thing to kick herself for. She’d been sweeping the place less than usual because she’d been so sure no other mafioso would be caught dead there.

“I haven’t seen you in here before,” Antonio said.

“I told you, I suck at this. Must have been desperate to give it a try again.”

He leaned closer, his tone lowering. “Desperate? How long has it been, Vespa?”

She jerked away, wiping at the spot where his breath had hit her neck. “I don’t need to tell you that.”

He huffed out a breath as he straightened again. “A while then. I’m surprised. You’re hot.”

“Fuck off. I know I’m hot.” She tried to fix the crease in her straw so she could suck up more bubbles, hoping the ginger ale would soothe her suddenly tense stomach. “Looks aren’t the problem.”

“Personality then. It drives them away.”

“Screw you. I’m a fucking delight.” Her shoulders relaxed as she grinned at him. “It’s opportunity, okay? I don’t like to muck up the waters with the Coronellas, and I’m around them most. You get horizontal with someone, and they see you different, you know?”

Even if he knew what she meant, she didn’t, actually. The one person she’d slept with she’d killed shortly after, but she assumed it’d be that way. Sex had been more intimate than she’d realized, especially when it felt good and her brain got all floaty.

She expected Di Salvo to agree with her and was surprised to see his hard scowl. “Someone disrespected you, Vespa?”

It wasn’t fair. The man was hotter when he showed his anger than when he hid it with a smile. She rolled her eyes, facing her ginger ale so she could catch her breath. “If they had, they’re already dead. I don’t need a hero.”

“True.” Antonio’s hands cupped his own glass, though she hadn’t yet seen him take a sip. “That’s one thing I actually like about you. You hold your own.”

“Flattery won’t get you anywhere. I’m not going to sleep with you, Di Salvo.” She sucked down more of her drink.

“We’d be terrible together, wouldn’t we?” The laugh was more genuine than any she’d heard from him before. “We’d just roll around the bed, both trying to get on top.”

Imagining someone like Antonio on top of her brought that roiling thing she hated back to her stomach. When the image flipped and she pictured herself on top, the snakes dissolved into heat. “Don’t even think about fucking with me, Di Salvo. I’m armed.”

“Really?” he leaned in closer. “How many?”

She swiveled toward him, closing even more distance to show him she wasn’t intimidated. “I only need one.”

To her surprise, his blue eyes danced. “That’s certainly true. Okay, no hero for you. How about a wingman?”

She jerked back. “What?”

“You had that guy hooked, but to be honest, your taste is terrible.”

“Fuck you,” she said. “He hit on me.”

“Well, of course he did, but you don’t have to give every man who hits on you a chance.” Antonio looked over her shoulder, scanning the bar. “I bet I can pick out someone better and have you leaving here happy in half an hour.” He smiled again as his eyes slid back to her. “Unlike you, I’m good at this.”
