Page 17 of Broken Resolve

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Antonio completely let go as her moans filled him and he raced for his own orgasm. He felt her tremors around him and shouted as he forced her ass down tight against his thighs and lost his mind.

His consciousness seeped back in like weaving tendrils, and he realized her face had slumped into his neck and she’d melted against him.

“Fuck,” she was muttering, then again, “fuck,” and he wondered how many times she had repeated it.

The muscles in his thighs were screaming at him as loudly as the voice in his head, the one demanding he create some space between them.

He tilted her back, letting her flop onto the bed. Then he swallowed a groan as he straightened his legs and rolled to stand. The sated smile she wore chased him into the bathroom to dispose of the condom.

He stared at himself in the mirror, not recognizing the rumpled and slack expression that matched hers. He scowled, splashing water on his face to erase it before he tested out one of his usual smiles. It would do to get him the hell out of there.

He strolled back in, moving to the desk and starting to dress. Not quickly. At least, not too quickly.

Vespa watched him, that satisfied smile still on her face making him want to fuck her all over again.

He left his shirt open, not bothering with all the buttons as he grabbed his jacket.

“Thanks,” Vespa called when he turned toward the door, making him pause.

He looked back, but she wasn’t being facetious. Her eyes sparkled with happiness.

“I had fun,” she said. “So, really, thanks for this.”

His feet carried him to the bed before he could wrap his mind around why it was a bad idea. He bent over her sweaty and well-used body and kissed her hard on the mouth.

“Call me first,” he told her, knowing it was a mistake but wanting to demand it all the same. “The sex will continue to be ‘no strings.’ I promise.”

She licked his bottom lip before pulling away. “Go on. Get out of here.”

The voice inside his head told him to take her suggestion and run. The hotel door had already clicked shut behind him before he realized she hadn’t agreed to call him at all.

Chapter 5

Vespa felt self-conscious as she headed to the conference room. She didn’t look any different, she reminded herself. She’d checked in the mirror, twice, before leaving her room. She had pulled her hair back into its normal tight bun, and her scalp hadn’t tingled at all while she did it, she lied to herself. Her outfit was the same as usual, and her guns settled under her arms like they always did.

Just because she felt an ache in her pussy didn’t mean she was walking funny. Her long-legged stride was normal, she told herself, but she wondered if the Coronella boys she passed were staring after her like her mind was telling her. A quick glance confirmed that, no, they weren’t.

Apparently sex made you lose your mind. She’d been right to avoid it.

Montrell was the only person waiting in the conference room when she arrived. He was grinning, but then he often did. Something about his expression reminded her of the way Antonio had looked the night before. For a little while, his smile hadn’t looked fake at all. That’d been… nice.

She was so screwed. Her mind was going to turn to gibberish if she remembered their sexcapades the next time she was around him.

The thought made her scowl at Montrell. “Do I look any different?” she demanded.

Montrell took her seriously, like he always did, even when he knew they were joking around. She wanted to squirm as his gaze moved over her from head to toe, but she forced herself to hold still.

“Well?” she asked.

He shrugged. “Same old Vespa. Why? Did something happen?”

A couple hours before, she’d climaxed harder than she ever had. She blanched at the thought, quickly shaking her head. “No. Not a thing.” She would be dead in the water if Antonio so much as smirked at her knowingly the next time she saw him. Which he definitely would. Damn it all to hell.

“There was something I wanted to say to you, Ves.” Montrell cleared his throat. “I appreciate what you did. You didn’t have to do it, but it was a nice gesture.”

She stiffened, wondering what the hell he was talking about. All she could remember doing was having sex. She crossed her arms to hide her puckering nipples, even though her bra and shirt and jacket hid them just fine. The insecurity had her glaring at her friend. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Your apology to Bea. I mean, she wasn’t jealous or anything, so it wasn’t necessary, but I know you felt bad about the way she saw us together.” Montrell tugged on his beard. “Bea seems to understand we’re friends. I don’t think we need to be as careful as you said, but—”
