Page 15 of Broken Resolve

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“Sorry,” she muttered, shifting away.

When she turned on her other side, she was facing him, and her eyes widened to find him facing her as well.

She started to flop to her back again, but he reached out, pulling her slightly over his chest. “Try this,” he said.

She sucked in a breath, but she didn’t jerk away. Her head lowered onto his chest, and he wondered if she could hear his heart beating a little too fast. Her arm crept across him, the hand flat over his tattoo when it stopped. One of her legs shifted over his, the thigh almost nudging his cock. Her body finally relaxed.

“This should feel weird,” she mumbled.

He smiled. “But it doesn’t?”

Her head shifted in a small shake as she yawned. “Nope.” Her sigh blew across his skin. “Weird,” she repeated.

Antonio silently agreed. He wasn’t a cold lover, but he didn’t normally do a lot of cuddling after or ever really stay the night. He’d fuck whatever attraction he’d felt out of his system and return to keep an eye on Giovanni. When his head throbbed at the thought, he reminded himself that Enzo and Nera were there for his half brother. One night wouldn’t hurt.

His eyes closed.

Vespa’s fingers tensed against his chest.

“Still uncomfortable?” he asked in a murmur.

She sighed. “No, it’s just…”

He waited, for once having no idea what someone was going to say.

“Fuck it. Will you touch my hair again?” she asked.

His hand shifted to bury itself in her hair.

She relaxed again, her lips moving against his chest in a whisper he didn’t hear over the rushing in his ears.

Antonio kept up the gentle strokes long after her breathing grew even in sleep.

“Good night, Vespa,” he whispered, closing his eyes again and telling himself to do the same.

The room was lighter when he next opened his eyes. Vespa’s body stretched along his own.

Her eyes held a droopy drowsiness, and her lips spread in a smile completely opposite from the freakout he’d been expecting. She stretched again, her thigh bumping his morning wood as she tweaked her own breast and let out a startled little gasp. “Oh! That felt good.” She turned more fully toward him, deliberately arching her breasts against him. “Didn’t you say something about morning sex?”

He turned on his side, lifting her leg over his hip and nestling his erection right where it wanted to be. “I’m game if you are.”

She snuggled closer, her arm snaking around his back for leverage to arch against him. “Why is this position kind of hot?”

His hand moved between them, palming her breast. “Is touching you okay?” He shifted his hand, tweaking her nipple.

“Fuck yes,” she muttered, pressing her chest more firmly into his touch. “Harder.”

The order had his hips rocking against her as he took her mouth and pinched her nipples the way she liked. Vespa hummed in her throat as she sucked on his tongue and tilted her pelvis to open herself more. The head of his cock found her warm slit, but it was nowhere near slick enough for his peace of mind.

He slid one of his hands down between their bodies, rubbing it over the hood of her clit.

Her mouth parted from his as she panted out a breath and stared into his eyes.

He continued his gentle back-and-forth, but his finger flattened to stillness when she arched against his cock.

“Still good?” he asked as she tried to shift closer.

“You’re not hitting it.” Her lips tilted down in a pout that he had to kiss.
