Page 13 of Broken Resolve

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“C-condom,” he gasped.

Her eyes flew open again. “Oh. That’s right.”

“Only if you still want me inside you. I’m close, though. No more messing with him until he’s covered.”

“Messing with him?” That lopsided grin spread again, the one that made her look absolutely delighted with the world. She lifted, her hand finding him and squeezing. “Like this?”

“Fuck, Vespa!” he groaned as he thrust into her grip, almost jostling her off him as his eyes lost focus. “Dammit, just pump and put me out of my misery. Please!”

She laughed as her hand released him instead. “Nuh-uh.” She leaned back, groping for the crinkling plastic. “Full sex. I’m taking your cock inside of me.” His breath locked in his chest as she used her teeth to open the condom wrapper. Her knees pressed into his hands harder when she shifted to give herself room to roll the condom on.

His breath whooshed out as spots danced in his vision and he told himself not to come from just her damn hands. He shouldn’t feel so desperate. When she angled him so his tip pressed right where he wanted to be, he fucking whimpered, but he’d deny it if she brought it up later.

Her thighs shook as she hovered there, barely impaled on him and squeezing the shit out of the head of his cock as her hand fell away. Her eyes flew to his again, and her smile had disappeared. Instead, her lip quivered before she bit the telling gesture away.

“Okay?” he asked, wishing he had the mental capacity to be more articulate than that.

She shook her head, but instead of lifting off of him, she thrust down, taking all of him inside of her in that one downward motion.

His torso curled toward her from that first intense stroke. Fuck, it felt amazing, but her face wasn’t saying it felt the same to her.

“Ves?” he asked, his voice breaking on her name. He swallowed, forcing his back flat again and telling himself to remain still. “Stop if it hurts. Stop if it’s not okay.”

She shook her head. “‘Okay’ doesn’t cover it. It feels good. Better than good.” Her legs tightened on the sides of his hips as she squeezed him inside of her, and he thrust into it, unable to stop himself even though she couldn’t take him any deeper. The laugh he found so attractive, the one that was boisterous and loud but also deep and husky, filled his ears.

“I’m going to come hard all over your cock.”

“Fuck, Ves,” he said, but no other words escaped because she’d begun to ride him.

She leaned back, bracing herself on her hands. Her torso arched, and the sexiest gasps slipped out of her mouth as she thrust down on him again and again. His body shook as his balls tightened. He had no control over the speed or strength of the thrusts, but it didn’t matter; they were all fucking perfect. He cursed as he came, knowing she wasn’t done with him but unable to hold it back. She rode him through it. The tempo of her gasps increased as his dick slid over her G-spot and her own orgasm took her. The tremors squeezed around him, and to his surprise he came again. He felt the wetness of it overfilling the condom to stick to his pubic hair, and he tipped her off before she could slide down all the way again.

Vespa lay boneless beside him, her arm slung over her eyes as her body shuddered. “Damn. That was amazing.”

He felt like he’d been hit by a train. He told himself he’d get up in a minute to clean up. Once he knew his legs would hold him. “Jesus,” he muttered.

She laughed, rolling over and kissing his mouth. “No, Vespa,” she said with a snorting chuckle, and then she practically skipped to the bathroom, making his mouth quirk as a confusing-as-hell sense of well-being filled him.

Chapter 4

Vespa wouldn’t let him into the bathroom with her, so Antonio cleaned up after her. A little worried she’d make a dash for it, he made quick work of disposing of the loosening condom and used a washcloth to wipe off.

She wasn’t already dressed like he half expected. His eyes traced the curved line of her figure, but it was the elegant lift of her neck he lingered on. Even with all they’d done, her hair had never loosened from that tight bun she always wore. He felt a flare of regret that he hadn’t seen what it looked like down or, better yet, disheveled, fanning against a pillow. Imagining it had his cock stirring despite having come twice. That was bad. He should have had her out of his system.

Vespa’s fingers toyed with the knife on top of her pile.

“Should I be worried?” he asked.

She snorted, bending to grab her discarded underwear. “I’m not going to kill you or bite your head off or anything.”

Antonio enjoyed the view, the curve of her ass all too easy to picture biting into. “I might not mind.”

She shook her head, and her smile was more tense than happy. “Nah, tonight was solid. Nothing to be angry about. I’ll get out of your hair soon enough.”

Ah, so that was what it was. The worry inside him relaxed as he leaned a shoulder against the wall. “This hotel doesn’t charge by the hour. You can rush off if you need to, but I’m not asking you to.”

She paused, her brow creasing. “Isn’t that the etiquette for this type of thing? We both come and then, you know, go?”

Fuck, she made him laugh every time. Antonio couldn’t stop, even when she whirled to glare at him before stomping over, giving him one hell of a view of her jiggling breasts.
