Page 111 of Broken Resolve

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Vespa snorted. “There’s no ‘supposed-tos.’ There’s just reality, and I don’t believe for a second you’d ever turn on Giovanni, so don’t fuck around about that. I’d never turn on Montrell.”

“So where does that leave us?” Antonio asked, leaning away from her. “Do you want out? Is that what you’re saying?” He wanted to shout at her and beg her to stay all at once, but his lips tightened to hold both emotions inside.

Enzo snorted. “I’m pretty sure it’s the opposite. Wasn’t she proposing?”

Vespa’s mouth fell open. “Fuck no! I’m never getting married. Stupid, archaic…” She trailed off as she cringed and looked across the table at Nera and Giovanni. “I mean, it works for some, but for me, it’s—”

“Vespa!” he cut in, his need for her drawing him forward. “I love you, but what type of life do you think we’ll have in two separate families?”

She turned, and to his surprise, she was grinning at him. “A fucking messy one. It’ll be confusing and tough, and sometimes we’ll be split in two, but you know what? That’s just fine because I l—” Her mouth snapped shut, and she glared at him. “Well, you know.”

His heart pounded at how close she’d come to saying it this time. He leaned toward her. “Do I?”

“Don’t start that shit. I feel the same way you do, and we’ve got good families, and it’s all going to work out, okay?” Her lips pressed hard against his, right there at the table.

Everything inside him settled as the kiss softened and lingered.

“It’s all going to work out, is it?” he asked when they finally pulled apart.

“Well, yeah.” She laughed, the deep, braying one that blew away all the knots in his stomach. “For as long as we’ve got, anyway.”

Antonio’s gaze found his brother’s. “It looks like I’m staying your consigliere,” he said, and it felt right saying it. “But this means my loyalties will be split at times. A different role might be better if I’m staying with the Di Salvos.”

Giovanni shook his head, smiling at him. “I trust you.”

Vespa snorted. “Don’t go overboard. I mean, he is a liar. He’s been lying to himself for weeks now.”

Antonio couldn’t disagree with her. He leaned toward her and kissed her nose, so grateful that he’d fallen for someone who could see right through him.

Chapter 31

Vespa’s hands latched onto Antonio’s above the cuffs as her patience splintered. “Don’t come,” she gasped out, close to it herself and knowing he loved it most when he was delayed.

“Impossible,” he gasped back, his hips thrusting into her next downward stroke. “Fuck, Vespa.”

She laughed, shifting her hands to drag his head to her breast. “Fill that mouth of yours.” He used his teeth in retaliation, and she pressed him even closer. “If you hold out a little longer, maybe I’ll actually say the words.”

His hips froze as he whined in his throat. She reached down, fondling his balls before she took him deep again. He didn’t last at all, but came with her.

Teasing him with the words had become an aphrodisiac for him.

She settled against his chest afterward, absently mouthing his nipple while she rode out the tremors, loving the mellow feeling that followed.

“You’re so fucking easy lately,” she said with a snort, reaching up to loosen the cuffs.

Antonio rolled her over, gripping her ass to remain buried inside her. “Next time you want me to dominate, I’m going to edge you until you’re chanting your love, Vespa,” he promised, his mouth hot and open on hers.

She couldn’t wait for him to try. His control splintered before hers most of the time, but she loved that about him.

Yeah, she fully admitted that she loved him in her head, and he knew well enough, even though she rarely said it.

Antonio was the opposite. He told her all the time. He was sadistic that way, enjoying the way it made her tongue-tied, even though he mostly said it in private and not around others.

They both liked to remain professional in front of their soldiers.

He pulled back, and his Di Salvo eyes were gorgeous when they stared down at her like that, with a hint of a challenge. He offset it with a hand gently sifting through her hair.

She grinned. “Careful threatening me. I’ll tell Nera you offered to babysit for a whole damn weekend.”
