Page 82 of Broken Captive

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The rush of sensation below was as if the tingling had begun to dance. Her legs closed, but that made it worse, and they spread wide again. Her hips rocked, and his hand suddenly lowered.

Luka lifted his mouth from her breast to watch her face as his fingers slid directly over where the tingles and ache had converged.

It was too intense, and her hips froze. His finger slid in light circles, making her breath catch. She could no longer keep her eyes open as one of his hands tugged on her nipple, sending even more tingles to the point he was rubbing, over and over, his motions quickening with her sudden gasping and shaking as her body pulsed in little waves.

She’d almost forgotten how free those pulses could make her feel.

Luka let out a soft groan as his lips closed over hers. It wasn’t the gentle press he usually maintained. His lips brushed and begged as her body softened underneath his continued touch.

He lifted his lips only to demand, “Again,” in a raspy voice that licked inside of her and ratcheted the sudden, returning tingles ever higher.

His finger below had stopped circling. Her body welcomed the back-and-forth slide he’d begun instead. Her hips tried to shift away from the intensity of it, the rocking she couldn’t prevent only increasing the sensation.

His hand had to press down with more pressure so he wouldn’t be dislodged.

Alina cried out into his mouth, and Luka froze.

His head lifted, his brows drawing together in concern as he stopped his strokes. “Okay?” he asked.

It was as if he’d left her on the edge of all that delicious pulsing to come, and Alina’s hips lifted in frustration. “Luka!” she cried, her eyes squeezing shut. “Yes! It’s okay. Please!” Her chest lifted, brushing her nipple against his palm, and her ass writhed on the bed, rewarded by the smallest shift against his fingers.

His sliding fingers, the pressure harder than before as his eyes narrowed on hers and he stroked over the pinnacle of all those spasming nerves.

Alina cried out as the euphoria hit her. It was as if her body was doing its own tug and pull, the pulses a rhythm that Luka extended with his softened touch.

Her own panting filled her ears as Luka pulled away. She didn’t remember closing her eyes, but had to drag them open as the bed dipped when he stood.

Luka grasped the hem of his shirt. “We could?” he asked.

Her eyes lowered to take in his straining erection, pressing hard against the front of his pants.

“You want to have sex with me?” Alina asked. He must have heard something in her voice because he bit his lip, looking away as if unsure.

She rushed to reassure him. “Yes, Luka, we can, but do you want to?” She remembered the way he’d cried out in pain when she’d grabbed his ass and forced him inside of her, and her legs closed as she sat up. “You could touch yourself instead if it would be better for you. I can talk you through it like before.”

Luka’s gaze returned to hers. “Don’t want to?” His hands dropped the hem of his shirt as he backed up into the dresser, as if giving her more space.

She thought of having Luka’s body linked to hers. It had hurt, but being connected would be worth any pain. “Oh, I want to have sex with you, Luka. I’m just saying we don’t have to. Don’t do this for me. Do this only if you want to.”

She couldn’t see what expression he made because his face disappeared behind his shirt as he pulled it off. His pants followed. Luka’s bare skin was amazing. Covered in ink and scars and everything that made him Luka. His erection was straining, pointing straight out in its hardness.

Her mouth had gone dry, and she swallowed, needing saliva to ask him if he was sure once more. Ever since she’d rescued him, Luka had only been thinking of her.

He surprised her by turning toward the dresser and opening the top drawer. Out of it, he withdrew a small box that ripped as he opened it.

Luka had purchased condoms, she realized. He frowned down at one before lowering his hands to his erection, slowly and carefully figuring out how to roll it on.

She’d lost her ability to speak again as she watched him sheath himself. He’d purchased condoms. That meant not only did he want to, but he’d planned on having sex with her.

The condoms were a good idea. It added a barrier she hadn’t considered when she’d forced him before. And they hadn’t talked about it, but it was doubtful Luka wanted children.

Alina lay back on the bed, her breathing deepening as she spread her legs for him, scooting toward the edge, and pressed her hands to her sides, waiting.

Luka didn’t make a sound as he approached. He had a slight limp, but still moved with so much grace.

She didn’t reach for him, simply watched as he supported himself with one hand on the bed and used his other hand to guide his erection to her entrance.

He froze as her body tensed, his eyes lifting to search hers. “Okay?” he asked.
