Page 72 of Broken Captive

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The man had released the gun, letting Luka have it. His arms wrapped around Luka instead, as if he were hugging him.

“It’s okay,” the man crooned in his ear. “I’ll take this pain away. You know I’m the only one who can.”

Luka’s jaw clenched against the pain of his touch. A twitch flickered in his jaw.

“Did you imagine you were happy?” the man asked. His hand joined Luka’s on the gun.

Alina curled smaller as the gun wavered toward her.

Luka’s eyes were so wide. “No!” he cried out, his head slamming back into the man’s face. He managed to pull his hand free, ripping the knife out of the man’s shoulder.

The monster didn’t flinch. He calmly lifted the gun he’d been left with and pulled the trigger.

Alina choked on a scream, startled by how loud the sound was and anticipating pain or a nothingness that would mean everything was over.

In the echoes, she heard a small sob of breath that could only be Luka’s, followed by another thud.

Then nothing.

Her eyes opened. She was alive.

A hand gripped her hair, dragging her head back until her eyes tilted up to meet a furious, gray pair. The hot barrel of the gun burned as it pressed into her cheek.

“Decisions, decisions,” the man muttered.

And suddenly her voice was freed. Because no one was trying to stop him any longer.

“Luka?” she cried, trying to turn her head despite the pain.

The man sighed, jerking her head around for her.

Luka lay prone on the floor. She tried to scramble to him, but the hold on her hair was too tight.

Her breath caught again, but as she watched, Luka’s chest rose and fell. He was alive.

Her head was forced back around by the barrel pressing hard into her face.

“His gasp of pain was most spectacular. Not very loud, but filled with torment.” The man’s eyes were bright as they stared into hers. “He believes I shot you.”

Alina swallowed. “Why didn’t you?”

He released her, sitting on the floor cross-legged, the gun now pressing up into his own chin as he considered her. “The slight shift in aim was a whim, but I live for those whims.” The same laugh washed over her, making her feel cold.

Alina lunged for him.

He smacked her across the face with the gun, and she couldn’t contain her cry of pain.

“Behave,” he warned.

She breathed through the blinding ache. The gunshot had been loud. Someone would come.

Alina forced herself to look at him. She wished she had a knife in her hand.

“Delicious,” he murmured, still smiling. He shifted the gun, releasing the bullets to the carpet between his crossed legs. “A revolver. Some things are meant to be.” He picked up one of the bullets, holding it between his fingers as he glared at her. “For confusing my little wolf.” He put it back into the chamber.

Dread filled her stomach. The man had defeated Luka. What could she do against him? But she didn’t want to die. Her hands balled into fists, and the pain of her broken finger steadied her.

He picked up another bullet. Glared at it. “But threatening you made him empty.” He tossed it over his shoulder, and it landed somewhere behind the bed. Another was in his hand. This time, he grinned. “And he frenzied to keep you alive twice.” It and a quick third followed the tossed trajectory of the first.
