Page 9 of Against the Odds

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“You like your burgers still mooing on the plate?”

There’s that cocky smirk again. “Why don’t you tell me your name, since we’re about to have dinner together.”

I hold up my index finger. “We are not having dinner together. We’re having dinner … simultaneously.”

“What if I guess it? Will you tell me?”

“The odds of you guessing my name are highly unlikely.”

“I’ll take my chances.” TJ squares his shoulders. “Jessica.”





I shake my head.

“Is it a southern name, like Sara Lee? Or one of those fancy millennial names, like McKenzie?”

“I’m not giving you any hints.”

“There’s a billion names to choose from. Narrow it down for me, at least.”

“Knowing my name won’t make a difference.”

“Of course it will. I’d be able to put a name to that beautiful face of yours.”

“Still won’t matter.”

“Maybe you have a name that matches your uptight personality. Barbara? Josephine?”

My skin heats. “I am not uptight! Again, you don’t even know me.”

“Just making another observation.” TJ makes a show of surveying my body from head to toe. “That outfit couldn’t have been comfortable driving all those hours in.”

“Let me guess: You’re going to feed me a line about how my outfit would look better on your bedroom floor.”

“See? I knew you were uptight. Who says we have to have sex in my bedroom?”

I roll my eyes. This is why he’s so hot. He has to be, with such an irritating personality.

When the waitress places our plates in front of us, I scarf my burger down in silence, order a third beer, and polish off my fries. Either I’m starving, or my best friend was right when she told me New York food is way better than the food in Florida.

TJ pushes his plate toward me. “Want the rest of my fries?”

“You’re not going to finish them?”

“You look hungry and I’m a little scared. You attacked that burger like a scene from Animal Planet.”

My smile breaks through and I duck behind the thick curtain of my hair.

“Hey, don’t hide that smile. I’ve been waiting to see if it would show.”

Honestly, I was waiting for it too.
