Page 87 of Against the Odds

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I stomp all the way to the front door and slip into the heels I’d kicked off last night. I know I look ridiculous, but I’m too agitated to care. My apartment is a quick ten minutes away.

Really hoping Mallory is still asleep.

I rip open the door and hesitate, glancing at TJ before I leave. “You’re so stubborn for such a smart man, you know that? It baffles me how blind you are when it comes to yourself.” I let it slam behind me.

Once I arrive at my apartment, I tiptoe quietly into the living room and shake out of my jacket.

“What on God’s green earth are you wearing?”

I jump at the sound of Mallory’s voice. She’s on the couch eating a bowl of cereal.

I point my index finger at her as a warning. “I had a really shitty night. I need you to save your commentary for another time. I’m taking a shower and then a nap before my shift starts later.”

Mallory’s bottom lip juts out. “Can I at least take a picture of your ensemble?”

“Do it and I will kill you.”

She holds up both hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. No picture. Sheesh. I’m guessing you didn’t get laid judging by your crankiness.”

“You guessed correctly.” I fling my heels into my bedroom and trudge into the bathroom, twisting the knob in the shower all the way to hot.

Chapter Thirty-Four

The Present

TJ (Fucking finally, right?)

I thought I was in love before.

I’d met a stunningly beautiful girl named Merritt. Wild curly hair. Brown eyes, so deep you could get lost in them. The only person who was just as broken as I was.

I thought we could mend our broken parts together. I thought she could be the cure to my lonely life.

But I was wrong.

She wasn’t for me to love.

Her heart belonged to another.

So I convinced myself that it would always be this way. Dug my hole even deeper. Prepared myself for a life without love. I’d lost my mom, Woods, Reggie. Nothing good ever stayed for long. I thought I was destined to be alone.

Then Carla walked into that bar.

One look at her in that buttoned-up outfit and I knew I had to have her. Just for one night. I’d indulge myself in the fantasy of a girl like her actually wanting a guy like me.

When our paths crossed a second time, I told myself it was just a coincidence. Like when your friend introduces you to the girl you just boned the night before and you say, “Small world.”

Besides, the girl was hung up on her ex and she lived in Florida.

I’d tried to forget about her after that, but she pushed her way into my mind almost every day. Couldn’t tell you why. There was something about her. She was stifled. Unaware of the fire she possessed. And like a moth to the flame, I was drawn to her.

When I got the call from Tanner to help move Carla and Mallory into their new apartment, I dropped everything and went.

When she said she needed a job, I made sure she worked for me.

And when I saw that ridiculous bucket list she’d made, I had to help her.

Along the way, I’ve learned a lot about her. But I’ve learned even more about myself. Carla has taught me a lot. Coming from the life I’ve lived, that’s not an easy feat.
