Page 64 of Against the Odds

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The rest of the day is spent just like this. Tanner orders pizza for us. Mallory hits on the delivery guy. None of Charlotte’s things get unpacked.

And I laugh so hard, my stomach muscles ache.

Monday afternoon, I’m a ball of nerves.

I check my reflection in the rearview mirror one last time before heading into the gym for my shift. I spot TJ’s truck parked a few spots over. My chest tightens. Good. At least he’s alive.

Inside, TJ’s behind the counter talking with Roger. When his eyes meet mine, without missing a beat, he smiles.

He smiles.

I don’t know what I was expecting, but none of the scenarios I created in my head prepared me for this.

Roger gives me a nod and a wave on his way out. TJ and I are left facing each other behind the desk.

“Hi,” he says.

I slam my purse down. “Hi? That’s what you have to say to me?”

“Look, I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but—”

“No.” I poke his chest with my index finger, and try not to wince. It’s like poking steel. “You don’t have to explain anything to me. It’s none of my business, remember?” I press into him again. “You want to kiss me and then ignore me for a week? Whatever. You want to disappear for three days? Go ahead. But if you think I’m not getting compensated for those days when you failed to mention we were closing, you’d better think again!”

I spent a good part of the weekend planning out what I wanted to say when I saw him. This isn’t what I practiced.

His lips twitch and there’s a glint in his eyes. “That’s what you’re angry about? You want to get paid for the past three days?”

I cross my arms over my chest. “That’s at the top of my list, yes.”

“Please tell me you actually wrote a list of reasons why you’re mad at me, and that you’ll let me read it.”

“It’s in my head. You’re missing the point.”

“Yes, Carla. I will pay you for the days you had off.”

I give him a curt nod and turn around, trying to make myself look busy—but all I’m doing is moving folders from one side of the counter to the other.

His hands on my hips and his warm breath in my ear stills my entire body. “Have dinner with me tonight. I’ll explain everything.”

I want to tell him I don’t care to hear what he has to say.

I want to tell him I have plans tonight.

I want to tell him to stop touching me.

But I do care, and I don’t have plans.

And I definitely don’t want him to stop touching me.

Chapter Twenty-Four

The Past


“Wake up!”

My body jolts upright, fist swinging out in front of me.
