Page 34 of Against the Odds

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“Are you trying to aggravate me?”

“It’s easy to do. You’re wound so tightly.”

“I am not.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t wear your secretary outfit.”

“Are you disappointed?”

TJ’s eyes rove over my knee-length black dress. “Hardly.”

Heat spreads from my cheeks down my neck and chest.

He clears his throat and returns his eyes to mine. “So, I need someone to man the front desk from three ‘til close, Monday through Friday. Roger’s been there full-time, but his wife is on bedrest for the next six months and he needs to get his daughter from school.”

“I have all morning classes, so my afternoons are free.”

“I’m also interested in adding more classes to the schedule here. Something aimed at a different crowd, like a weekly yoga class. See how it goes.”

“I do yoga, but I’ve never been an instructor before. I’m sure you could find someone more qualified than me.”

He shrugs. “There will always be someone more qualified than you if you look hard enough. Sleep on it. Let me know your thoughts tomorrow.”


“You start working the front desk tomorrow.”

“But you haven’t asked to see my resume.” I flip open the folder I’ve been holding and slide it across his desk.

TJ glances at it and laughs. “You actually typed this up for me?”

“You seem to be confused about how an interview is conducted.”

His arms fold over his chest. “Enlighten me.”

“I show up early. You note my punctuality and my professional appearance. I show you my resume. You look it over to see if I’m qualified for the position based on my experience.”

“I don’t need a piece of paper to tell me you’re qualified.”

“You don’t?”

“You’re high strung, so you’ll take the job seriously. I bet you’re organized as hell too. You’ve got a quick mouth, so you won’t take shit from anybody in here. And you’re gorgeous.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“Guys always want to go to a gym that has a pretty face working behind the desk.”

I scoff. “That’s offensive.”

“I didn’t say your looks got you the job. I called you organized and smart. Didn’t you hear anything I just said?”

“You said my looks would bring in customers. This isn’t Hooters.”

TJ scrubs a hand over his face. “Fine. I take it back. You’re ugly as sin and you’ll scare everyone away from my business. That better?”


He chuckles and opens a drawer in his desk. Pulling out a shirt, he tosses it at me. “This is what you’ll wear. Pants can be jeans, sweats, yoga pants. Whatever you prefer. I don’t care as long as your ass isn’t hanging out of your shorts. I like to keep things professional here.”
