Page 31 of Against the Odds

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“I really need to get laid?”

Mallory flings an oven mitt at me. “No. My motto is: Better sorry than safe. You won’t have any fun in life if you’re always playing it safe.”

“I second that,” Charlotte adds.

I once thought Joe was safe. Look how that turned out. Maybe Mal’s on to something.

The boys are back with the couch, putting an end to the conversation. My traitorous eyes watch the muscles work under TJ’s skin as he passes us on the way to the living room. The T-shirt with cut-off sleeves he’s wearing gives me a clear shot at his lean, shredded obliques. The tattoos flow from one to the next, telling a story I can’t quite make out. His body is like a painting you want to stare at for hours, studying each and every brush stroke in awe.

It’s been a month since our sexcapades, yet my skin still ignites in his presence.

Mallory hands me a paper towel.

“What’s this for?”

“To wipe your drool.”

I shove her with a smirk.

“Where do you want this?” TJ calls.

“Oh, I’ll show him where I want it.” Mallory wiggles her eyebrows before heading into the living room.

Charlotte shakes her head. “She is insufferable.”

“She’s like a horny frat boy.”

“She’s a good friend though. I can’t believe my two best friends are living together. How do you feel?”

“A little nervous being in a new city, but I’m excited.”

“I can show you around this weekend. I’ll help you look for jobs too.”

“I was hoping I could work at the bakery with you and Mal. I’ll scrub toilets, work weekends. Whatever you need.”

Charlotte chews her bottom lip. “We already hired two people this summer. I don’t know if Dad can afford to take you on right now.”

Disappointment settles in the pit of my stomach. “Oh, that’s okay. I’ll find something else.”

“I can talk to Dad and see what he says.”

“No.” I wave my hand. “It’s totally fine. Don’t worry about me.”

“You looking for a job?” TJ says as he emerges from the living room with Tanner and Mallory.

“Something that can work around my class schedule.”

“I have a few positions I’m looking to fill at my gym.”

“I’m sure Carla would love any position you put her in.” Mallory winks before ripping open another box.

If looks could kill, there would be a dead body on the floor of our new kitchen. Too bad she won’t make eye contact with me to see it before she dies.

TJ just smirks. Cocky bastard. “Why don’t you come by at seven tonight? I can show you around and we can talk.”

Pro: I’d have a job.

Con: The man I had mind-blowing sex with would be my boss.
