Page 20 of Against the Odds

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At the many schools I’d been to, they’d always taught us about the dangers of using drugs. Sharing needles. Overdosing. Addiction. But no one ever tells us about how incredible drugs feel.

The rush of euphoria.

My arms and legs go limp. The memories that plague my mind day after day fade away into a haze.

I am in blissful oblivion.

And I never want to return.

Chapter Seven

The Present


Charlotte and I have been friends since we were kids. We grew up in the same small town and went to the same small school. We were always together, until Charlotte and her father disappeared.

Two nights after we’d danced the night away at prom, her father’s bakery burned down. I went to her house the next morning, but she and her father were already gone. For an entire year, I didn’t get one single call or text from her. I had no idea where they went, or what had happened. We went from inseparable best friends to complete radio silence.

Their bodies never showed up in the ashes, but I mourned them all the same.

A year later, right after I’d had the miscarriage, Charlotte called to tell me she was coming home. As elated as I was that she was okay, I couldn’t help feeling angry that I’d spent twelve months being worried sick about her, wondering if she was even alive. I was also angry after having to go through the most difficult time in my life without my best friend.

To add insult to injury, Charlotte came back happier than ever, in love with a boy she’d met in New York. She had an amazing new life, while I was stuck in my crumbling old life.

Granted, Charlotte had been hunted down by Mafioso men who almost killed her, her father, and her new boyfriend. She didn’t tell me where she was going because she didn’t want to involve me in any way. Still, I hadn’t rolled out the welcome wagon upon her arrival like I should’ve, and I needed to make up for that. Hence me driving up for a visit.

“Carla!” Charlotte squeals on the other end of the phone. “Are you on your way?”

“I’m already here. I’m in my hotel room as we speak.” Just did the walk of shame after my night of wild sex with a stranger.

“You’re in a hotel? I thought you were staying with me.”

“I didn’t want to cramp your style.”

“Carla, I told you to stay with me and Dad.”

“It’s fine. I’m already settled here. When can I see you?”

“I finish at the bakery at six. I have to run home and shower, but we can go out and celebrate tonight.”

“What are we celebrating?”

“You being here, duh!”

“Great. Can’t wait.”

“Tanner and I will pick you up later. I’m so happy you’re here. I can’t wait to see you. It will be just like old times.”

Old times. If only. “Text me when you’re on your way.”

Charlotte has no idea what had happened between me and Joe. She knows we broke up, but I hadn’t told her the rest. I wasn’t ready to talk about it then. Honestly, I’m still not.

I’m not sure when I will be.

Charlotte’s friend, Mallory, has not stopped talking since the second I got into the car.

I force a laugh here and there, nodding like I’m listening. But all I can focus on is the text that just came through on my phone.
