Page 103 of Against the Odds

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She snuggles against me and a small sigh leaves her lips. “What a crazy day. I can’t believe we ran into Woods.”

“I can’t believe his name is Philip.”

She giggles. “He named his son after you.”

“I know. Crazy, huh?”

“Not crazy. Just another testament to how much of an impact you have on everyone.”

We’re quiet for a while, lost in our own thoughts.



“I can see it all with you, you know. Everything I never thought I’d get the opportunity to have.”

She nuzzles my neck and inhales. “Well, I don’t care what happens as long as I’m with you.”

“You don’t want to make a plan?”

I feel her grin against my skin. “Nope. I don’t need one.”

The End


Five Years Later


Foster child. Alcoholic. Junkie. Homeless. I’ve worn many labels throughout my life, none of them good.

I’ve been through a lot. Been to the darkest depths of the earth. I’ve hit rock bottom. Lost every person that ever mattered to me.

It’d be easy to dwell on it, like I did for so long. I remained in my own personal realm of torture. I accepted the shit life handed me. I blamed my father. Blamed Woods. Bobby. Even my mom.

But that’s all behind me now.

Now, Carla’s all I can see.

I smile at her from where I stand. She’s rubbing her belly over the pale pink chiffon bridesmaid dress she’s wearing, her dark hair falling in loose waves. I know she’s uncomfortable standing all this time in heels, but no one would be able to tell.

That’s Carla. She’ll do anything for the ones she loves.

Somehow, I’ve become one of those people. Someone she loves. I’m a lucky bastard. And I don’t use that term lightly.

Luck has a lot to do with the things that happen to us. But it’s up to us to reclaim the wheel and steer our lives where we want them to go.

Like my buddy Tanner here. He had his issues, sure, but now he’s standing at the altar about to marry the love of his life. All because he took responsibility for his actions and owned his shit.

“You may now kiss the bride,” says the priest.

Charlotte leans toward Tanner, lips pursed for a clean church kiss—like they practiced. But Tanner’s always been a bit of a showoff.

He dips her backward and deepens the kiss until Charlotte’s cheeks are as red as her bouquet.

Carla’s laughter tears my attention from the newlyweds. I watch her as she watches them, and my heart could not be fuller.
