Page 9 of Someone You Love

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The floorboards groan as Bryce steps into the narrow hallway with us. “You’re staying here. With me.”

My eyes bounce between Beatrice and her grandson. “This is your place?”

“Yes. You’ll be staying in the spare room until I’m able to fix the room you were supposed to be in at the inn.”

My stomach twists. Living with a strange man I just met was not on the bucket list.

“Is this all right with you?” Beatrice asks. “It’ll only be for a few weeks, and then you can move your things to the inn.”

My mind races.

Is this safe?

Should I get my money back, and find a hotel?

What would Mom do?

“If you’re uncomfortable with this, dear, you can take my room, and I can—”

“No, no.” I shake my head. “That won’t be necessary. I don’t want to put you out.”

Beatrice could’ve very well told me that there’s no place for me after my room was damaged in the storm. I could be looking for another place to stay, or going back home. I’m grateful for this option.

And for Bryce allowing me to stay with him.

I look into his intense dark eyes. “Thank you for opening your home to me.”

He nods once, and then looks down at his shoes.

That explains his bad mood.

Beatrice places her palm against my cheek. “I’d never put you in harm’s way.” She leans in, but doesn’t lower her voice. “I know he seems like a rude lug, and, well, I guess he is, but he wouldn’t harm a single hair on your head.”

Bryce throws up his hand. “Gee, thanks.”

Beatrice winks at him, and swings her gaze back to me. “This place will heal you, Charly. You’ll see. Just give it a chance. I’ll see you at dinner.”

Then she turns and shuffles toward the door.

Bryce and I stand in the tight hallway until Beatrice disappears out of the bungalow.

I speak first, needing to fill the silence. “I’m so sorry that I’m encroaching on your personal space like this.”

“It’s fine.”

“No wonder you were less than thrilled to meet me.” I lift my hand and let it fall, smacking against my thigh. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

He scratches the back of his neck. “Don’t have much of a choice when it comes to Beatrice Holden. You’ll learn that quickly.”

“I’m starting to.” I force a laugh, attempting to release some of the tension between us, but he doesn’t smile with me.

“We should lay down some ground rules.” Bryce turns and heads for the kitchen.

My head cocks to the side as I follow him. “Ground rules?”

He stands at the small island, and nods matter-of-factly. “This is my home you’ll be living in for the next couple of weeks.”

“Oh, of course. I’m sure you have plenty of that’s my chair, or we’re only watching ESPN preferences. My ex liked to be in control of the remote, so I know how you men can be.” I try to laugh again, but it comes out too high-pitched. My cheeks burn, yet that doesn’t stop the words from tumbling out of my mouth. “Though I don’t see a TV in here, so I guess that won’t be a problem. I don’t really watch much TV anyway. My best friend, Jenny, is obsessed with The Bachelor. I refuse to watch it with her. A bunch of women fawning over a guy just because he’s rich and handsome? No thank you. I don’t know why any woman in her right mind would like that show.”
