Page 85 of Someone You Love

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She sticks out her tongue. “Some things are just better in New York.”

My stomach tenses at that. “Do you miss it?”

“I miss Jenny. I miss the familiar faces at the diner.” She leans back against the counter, contemplating before she finishes. “But when I think about going back, I feel sad. I truly love it here. It’s so much more peaceful.”

“Do you think you’d miss it more if your mother were still there?”

“Definitely. With her being gone, there’s an emptiness. Everything looks the same, but it doesn’t feel the same. That probably doesn’t make any sense.”

I pull her close to me, wrapping my arms around her. “It does make sense. Home isn’t a location. It’s made by the people you love. When they’re gone, it’s just a place like any other.”

She tilts her head back just enough to look into my eyes. “That must be why I feel so at home here. With you and Beatrice.”

My heart climbs into my throat, ready to jump ship and seek refuge in her hands. “It feels better with you here. Like you belong.” My hands shake as I smooth them down her arms, unable to keep the words from tumbling out of my mouth as I gaze into her eyes. “I was numb for so long, just going through the motions. I knew exactly what each day would bring, and I liked it that way. It was predictable. But then you walked into my life, and the numbness went away. You shocked me back to life. You give me a reason to want to get out of bed, something to look forward to.” I brush my nose against hers. “I feel alive when I’m with you.”

Her breath hitches, and she grips onto my shirt. “I feel it too, Bryce.”

Does she?

My heart urges me to say more, to tell her everything and bare my soul, but my mind stops my mouth from opening. Instead, I express myself the only way I can. I dip my head, and crash my lips against hers. I kiss her with everything I have, and hope she understands.

Her mouth opens for me, our tongues tangling around one another. My hand slips through the slit in her dress, skimming around the back of her thigh until I’m cupping her plump ass. Her fingers disappear under the hem of my shirt, roaming over my skin. She drags her nails down my stomach until she reaches the waistband of my jeans.

“I need everything off.”

My dick hardens at her command, and I obey. I tear my shirt over my head while she yanks my pants to my ankles. Before I can kick off my shoes, she sinks to her knees, and takes me into her mouth, fast and hungry, without warning.

“Oh, fuck, Charly.” I lean against the edge of the counter with one hand, gripping the back of her head with the other. “Your mouth feels so good.”

I gaze down at her on her knees in that ivory dress, her bright-green eyes darkening as they lock with mine. She moans as sucks me in deep, and drags me out with a pop. Her tongue swirls around my swollen head, taking me in short, teasing pulses. And when I can’t take another second of the maddening rhythm, she pushes me all the way to the back of her throat.

Pleasure explodes like a firework, sending sparks shooting throughout my body, white hot heat flashing behind my eyes like a bolt of lightning illuminating a midnight sky. “I’m gonna come, baby.” I pull back, but she splays her palms on my ass and holds me where she wants me.

I let out a primal groan, and wave after wave ripples over me as I pump my release. Charly strokes me, soft and slow with her tongue, and I watch the way her throat bobs as she swallows. My vision blurs, and my chest heaves like I ran a marathon.

I help her up off her knees, and she drops her dress and panties to the floor. My hands tug her bun until wild golden waves cascade down her back.

“You are fucking stunning.” I lean forward and capture one of her pert pink nipples between my teeth, giving it a gentle bite. “I’ll never get used to seeing you like this.”

I kiss a trail down her stomach, and glide my tongue between her thighs, lapping up her sweet wetness. She lifts her leg, and props her foot on the island as she rolls her hips against my mouth, taking what she wants from me. My dick throbs all over again at the sight of her spread for me.

I bring her to the brink of ecstasy, but she pulls away just before she comes apart. “I need you inside me, Bryce. I need to feel you.”

As I roll on a condom from my discarded pants, Charly turns around and bends over the island, spreading her legs, pressing her chest against the countertop.

I scrub a hand over my jaw. “Jesus. You trying to kill me?”

She shoots me a devilish grin over her shoulder as she arches her back. “Maybe.”

I grip onto her ass as I plunge inside her, and we both let out relieved groans. My hands roam over her body, squeezing her breasts, caressing her throat, rubbing her clit, unable to stop touching her everywhere and anywhere I can reach.

Every part of me needs to feel every part of her.

She moans again as I grasp her hair, pulling her head back so I can ravage her mouth. She pushes her ass back, meeting me thrust for thrust, the sound of our skin slapping together setting a faster pace.

And then she comes, loud and uninhibited, panting into my open mouth as her core clenches around me, our bodies melding into one until she’s lucid and sated.

Charly catches her breath, and turns around to face me. “Let’s sail away, and never come back. I could spend forever like this.”
