Page 92 of The Other Brother

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“Well, we were.” Tina nodded in my direction. She is such an asshole.

“Nice ink.” TJ gestured to Tina’s colorful arm. “When are you getting yours, Merritt?”

“You’re getting a tattoo?” Tina shouted. “You tell me nothing!”

Merritt rolled her eyes. “I haven’t decided yet. Calm your tits.”

TJ and the girls continued to talk about tattoos. I didn’t care to listen. Charlotte was here, and I needed to be close to her. I needed to remind her what she was missing.

“Wanna dance?”

“Uh …” Charlotte looked at Merritt. “It’s a girls’ night. I don’t want to break the rules.”

Merritt gave her a nudge. “We can make an exception.”

Charlotte’s face lit up as her attention returned to me. “Okay. Lead the way.”

We spent the remainder of the night wrapped in each other’s arms on the dance floor. We didn’t talk. We didn’t need to. All that needed to be said was conveyed through our eyes as we gazed at one another.

Every now and again, I’d run my fingers through Charlotte’s hair, or touch my fingers to her cheek. As much as it killed me to be this close and not kiss her, I had to pull out all the stops. I had to get her back.


I walked through the garage door to hand Merritt and Tanner their lunches. It had become my favorite part of each day. We’d order lunch, and I’d bring it to them when it got delivered. I’d bring Merritt her food first, just so I could sneak a peek at Tanner for longer. Actually, it was much more than a peek. It was open gawking, but I couldn’t help myself. The way the muscles in his arm moved and stretched as he cranked the wrench. The way he bit his bottom lip in concentration. The greasy black streaks along his sweaty skin. God, he’s beautiful.

I walked toward him, gripping the container in my hands. The memory of dancing with Tanner the night before replayed in my mind. We didn’t kiss. We didn’t talk. Our bodies did the talking.

Every molecule inside me burned with desire. All I had to do was tell Tanner the truth about my past. It seemed so simple. My resolve was wearing thin.

“Is that for me?” he asked.

My body? Yes. Take it. Please. “Yup. Lunch is served.”

“You okay?”

Oh, you know. Just daydreaming about you naked. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

His eyebrow arched as he stepped closer. “Are you sure?”

I nodded. “Enjoy your lunch!” I backed up, right into his toolbox—cringing as the handle dug into my back. I spun on my heels and walked out of the garage.

Smooth, Char. Real smooth.

I buried myself in work until it was time to leave. Before I knew it, Beverly was flipping the sign to Closed.

She waved. “See you Monday.”

“’Bye. Have a good night.” I slung my purse over my shoulder and took my keys off the hook on the pegboard. Merritt had already left. She and Tanner usually left together, but he was still in the garage. I peeked through the door to find him underneath the car he was working on.

I walked over to where he was and leaned against his toolbox. “It’s closing time, you know.”

Tanner jumped at the sound of my voice, banging his head on the metal underneath the car. “Fuck!”

“Oh, God!” I knelt down as he sat up.

He rubbed his head. “You’re like a ninja. I didn’t even hear you come in.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Are you okay?”
