Page 38 of The Other Brother

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Charlotte stepped outside, and my heart stopped beating for a few seconds. Her strappy blue dress was just short enough, showing off her long, toned legs. The ends of her hair curled slightly, and I saw something shimmery on her eyelids. She didn’t need to do any of this—she was naturally beautiful—but the fact that she did told me she wanted to look good on our date tonight. For me.

I stood outside my Mustang holding a bright bouquet. I tried to steady my breath as she approached, my heart racing faster with every step she took.

“Wow. I would say you look beautiful, but that just doesn’t seem good enough.”

“I wasn’t sure what to wear. Is this okay for where we’re going?” She tugged on the hem of her dress.

I leaned over and placed a lingering kiss on her cheek. “It’s perfect. You look perfect.” I handed her the flowers. “I didn’t know what your favorite flower was, so I got an assortment.”

She smiled. “I love them. You didn’t have to.” She pointed to an orange flower in the middle of the bouquet. “And Gerbera daisies are my favorite.”

I swung the passenger door open for her. “Good to know.” I’d remember that for next time.

I took Charlotte to my favorite Spanish restaurant on the other side of the island. I had fond memories coming here with my family when my father was well. We were seated at a small corner booth in the back of the dimly lit room. It was private and secluded with an intimate vibe. I tried to focus on the menu, but found it difficult to concentrate with Charlotte’s bare leg pressed against mine in the booth.

From the corner of my eye, I caught her stealing a glance at me every so often. What was she thinking? I was almost too afraid to ask.

“What’s going on behind those pretty blues?”

“Just wondering what I should order.” Liar. “What do you get when you come here?”

“I usually come with my family. We get a bunch of different dishes, and we share them. The enchiladas are my favorite.”

“Can we do that? Order a few things, and share them?”

“We can do whatever your heart desires, sweet girl.” I winked as I closed the menu.

The waitress sauntered over to our table. “Are you ready to order?”

“We are.”

Charlotte continued to watch me as I rattled off several appetizers and entrees. I’d pay good money to hear her thoughts.

“I’ll put your order in right away. Oh, and I just have to tell you: you two make such a gorgeous couple.”

I couldn’t help but grin. I wrapped my arm around Charlotte’s shoulders. “Thank you very much.”

Charlotte nudged me with her elbow once the waitress left.

I took my arm back and chuckled. “What? She’s right. We look great together.”

“I just hope she gets our order right. I don’t think she heard a word you said. She was too busy drooling on her notepad.”

“I don’t care what she brings out, as long as I’m sitting here next to you.”

“Do you always have the right words to say?”

“No. My family would tell you differently.”

“Why is that?”

“My brother and I are like night and day. Chase was always good at everything. Good in school, good at sports, he’s a good singer … He’s the good son. I always got into trouble, and my dad would compare me to him. He didn’t mean to, but he did. We don’t really see eye- to- eye on a lot of things. I always wanted to go away to college and have something that was my own. Something that I could be good at.”

“So why didn’t you?”

“Dad got sick, and the hope of me going to college went out the window. We couldn’t afford it with all the hospital bills, and they needed my help at the shop. They had already given Chase a chunk of their savings to go to California.” I shrugged. “I never got the chance to make Dad proud of me the way Chase did.”

“Nobody says you have to be like your brother, and you shouldn’t try to be. I don’t know Chase, and I’m sure he’s great, but you’re great, too.” Charlotte covered my hand with hers.
