Page 35 of The Other Brother

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“What’s your dating situation like?”

“Don’t have a situation.”

“Have you ever?”

“Depends on what kind of situation you’re talking about.”

“When was your last relationship?”

“I don’t do relationships.”


“I keep everything casual. I don’t waste my time getting into relationships.”

“Why not?”

“Now look who’s giving the third degree.”

“You said friends discuss these things. So, I’m discussing it.”

“Hand me that screw-driver right there by your foot.”

“You’ve never had a girlfriend before?”

He took the tool from me and continued working. “Nope.”


“Because there’s no point in getting into a relationship with someone I’m not in love with.”

“How do you know if you’re in love with a girl if you don’t take the time to date her?”

“It’s easy. I just know.”

“It’s impossible to fall in love with someone without getting to know them first.”

“I go by the feeling I get when I’m with a girl.”

“What are you expecting to feel?”

He stood and tossed the screw-driver onto the floor. He ran his fingers through his hair, and set his gaze on me. “I’ll feel like everything is going to be okay.”

My breath faltered a moment as a mixture of fluttering and aching swelled deep in my gut. His answer was so simple—and revealing. His vulnerability took me by surprise. All Tanner needed in life was to be reassured that everything was going to be okay. Didn’t we all?

I stared up at him, unable to look away, as one looks up to a starry sky in wonderment.

“What?” He shoved his hands into his pockets.

“I’m just … I didn’t expect that from you.”

“Why not? Because I have anger issues with no self-control?”

I winced hearing the words I’d said about him. “One minute, you’re sincere and sweet. The next, you’re … you’re just confusing.”

“I know. Look, I’m sorry for what happened that night at the bar. I never want you to feel scared of me. That was the worst thing anyone has ever said to me.” He looked down at his shoes. “And people have said some pretty fucked-up things about me.”

“I don’t feel scared of you right now. And I hadn’t until that night with Shawn.” I stepped toward him. “If you have that much anger inside you, maybe you need to talk to someone about it or find a way to channel it.”
