Page 32 of The Other Brother

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Charlotte heaved a sigh, pulling the brim of her hat lower. “I have to go.”

“What are you doing later?” I had to take a chance.

“Going shopping with Mallory. She wants to pick out our Halloween costumes.”

“You’re going to the Beta party on Halloween?”

“I’ll be there.”

“Cool. I’ll be there, too.”

She smiled.

That smile was all I wanted to see.


“What do you think?” I asked.

“I think it isn’t short enough.”

I looked down at the skirt of my Supergirl costume. “Any shorter and it would be a belt, Mal.”

“Any longer and you’d look Amish.”

I laughed. “Well, I’m buying it.” I certainly wasn’t Supergirl, but I could fake it for one night. Maybe her spirit would rub off on me. “Have you heard from Derek?”

“Nope. He took my number and never called me.”

“Why don’t you call him?”

“I will not. If he was interested, he would’ve called.”

“Not true. Guys always make the girl wait.”

“Guys are dumb.” She sighed as she rummaged through the costumes hanging on the rack in front of us. “I know just about everyone who will be at that Halloween party. I need some fresh meat. I need to get off this island. How were the guys in Florida?”

“About the same as they are here.”

“Figures.” Her eyes widened when she spotted a pleather Catwoman costume.

“You have to wear that! That costume is perfect for you!”

“I’m not as skinny as the girl on the package.”

“No one is as skinny as the girl on the package. Try it on.” I gave her a playful shove. “Go.”

The costume fit like it was made for her. I couldn’t imagine anyone else pulling that off. Mallory squealed with excitement as she bounced out of the dressing room with her costume in hand. We paid and left the mall. I dropped Mallory off at her house and made my way back to my apartment.

I was about ten minutes away when my car slowed down, accompanied by a strange sputtering sound. I pulled over to the side of the road before the car completely stopped. I went through the motions of re-starting it, but nothing happened. The car was dead. I pulled out my phone and called the only person I knew could fix this.

“Charlotte, hi.”

“What kind of lemon car did you sell me?”

“What are you talking about? What’s wrong?”

“I was driving home from Mallory’s and the car just stopped.”
